A Techie Weighs in on a Smart Scale

Sometimes it can be really challenging to get someone who isn’t interested in physical activity to start caring about their health, especially when you care about them or their progress. A huge population of individuals that are lacking in the exercise category are often those who spend hours and hours in a chair every day. They might be eating so little that they’re avoiding being overweight, but that doesn’t make them healthy.


That’s the best-case scenario for individuals that are far more stagnant and less motivated to move. The worst-case scenario is being dangerously overweight and needing to make serious life changes in order to protect that… your life. Even if you’re far from obese, being overweight could have a serious impact on your social life and your level of fitness, among other things. But the challenge remains, how to entice a certain population to exercise. 

Sometimes making people feel more comfortable by using something that they’re familiar with can help them make a significant transition one step at a time. Lately, as the world has been moving closer to Back to the Future or Star Trek, we’ve been seeing more tech in fitness. Wearable fitness trackers such as the Jawbone Up and FitBit are becoming more popular even within the crowd of those that are extremely fit. Fitness apps such as My Fitness Pal and Map My Run allow those that are attached to their phone to continue to keep their eyes on their screen but be more active while doing so. 

Unfortunately, a doctor’s scale is still a doctor’s scale. It’s old and horrifying for many. Many doctors are extremely blunt when they tell you that your BMI is dangerously high and everything else. It then seems like you’re going to have osteoporosis, diabetes, and every other awful thing possible because you’re overweight, or underweight, or just not right. While many fitness professionals are opposed to weighing yourself regularly, there’s very little harm in trying.


For some, that scale acts as the ultimate form of accountability. Weighing in every morning means working out every morning and eating healthier every day because that next weigh-in is just around the corner. While the numbers on the scale might not always make you feel the best, it might keep you determined enough to keep at it until you start enjoying the healthier eating and look forward to your next trip to the gym because lifting weights is fun. For that techie crowd, enter the Blu Beets scale, which is one smart piece of equipment. 

If you have a folder on your smartphone, whether you’re Apple or Android, you can link the scale to the app and have it send your weight, body fat percentage, and whatnot to the app for it to be stored and tracked. You can use that information to help create your nutrition plans and exercise programs. With this scale, everything comes full circle and might give those that have felt a little uncomfortable in the world of fitness the path they need to succeed. It’s lightweight but durable, practical but good-looking, and a very useful piece of equipment for any home. You can find out more about it on my Amazon review, and you should because knowing more about your body helps you stay hungry and fit!


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