Stop Being Ashamed of Your Cellulite


Our society has many body-shaming problems and a big one is cellulite. Yes, cellulite, that dimpling of the skin in fattier areas. Guess what, it doesn’t mean you have a bad body, are fat, or that you need to do anything about it. Women, mostly, are ashamed to have it, yet 90% of women have it! It’s yet another impossible societal standard that people are kept to. And guess what, it’s nearly impossible to remove because it’s so natural to how our cells are formed. I am so sick of people (especially women) being embarrassed of it. Perfectly fit people have it–I have it! 90% of women!

Be the Wonder Woman for all women! Stop caring about cellulite!

It all comes down to the construction of collagen. Read the below quote from Scientific American:

“The [structure of] collagen, the main protein of connective tissue, in women has the appearance of a picket fence, whereas in men it looks more liked a cross-linked fence. So you can see the cross-linked structure is much stronger [and will hold fat in better].”

Cool, cool, a cellular structure we can’t control yet the beauty industry has made millions on selling these products that will someone erase all of that. Women’s bodies, filled with estrogen, low with testosterone, are basically pre-determined and perfect targets to get cellulite.  If men simply had different connective tissue structures, they would be “plagued” with the stuff as well, which probably would make it cease to be a plague because literally everyone would have it. 

It’s natural, it happens to all of us, and it has no indication on whether you’re fit or not. I don’t think I know one woman who doesn’t have cellulite–and I know a lot of fit women. I myself have plenty of cellulite. It happens. We have some fat, it’s going to push through a certain way. It sucks, only because society has determined that it’s ugly, but that’s the way it is. But what if women stopped caring? What if they stopped buying creams or gels, stopped getting plastic surgery, and just owned it? Said hey what’s up, I’m here, I have cellulite and I’m a beast. 90% of women. Skinny, fat, muscular, thin, strong, fit, etc. We all got it! 

So here’s my challenge to you: be brave, cast aside society’s expectations, and just start to accept your cellulite. Let’s be the change and allow other women a space away from shame with what they’re basically pre-determined to get. You have cellulite and that’s perfectly fine! You also have skin, fingernails, muscles, fat, and hair! All part of how the body works. Accept your cellulite and as always, stay hungry and fit!

Question of the Day: Do you struggle with having cellulite?
