
Shortcuts Are for LOSERS

(Note: Apologies, loyal readers, for our absence yesterday. It was supposed to be a food post day and we failed to provide so here’s an extra special and meaningful article brought to you by Hungry, King of Rants… and Motivation.)

Have you ever seen all of those get ripped quick programs? Lose 10 lbs in 10 days? Drink this magic juice that arms your blood cells with swords and shields to destroy all of your fat cells while you sit on the couch? How about machines that burn more calories in 10 minutes than an hour in the gym? You know, the ones that you stand on and they just vibrate!

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Well, I’m not here to discredit or review any of those products. Those posts are due to come at a later time. I am here for something far more important, a lesson that someone like myself has learned personally and seen others learn over time. I am here to tell you that you don’t actually care about your results in your fitness journey.

Does that sound crazy or what? Of course you care! You’ve wanted that six-pack for ten years. You’ve wanted to fit in those size 4 jeans ever since you graduated high school. Your trainer or coach told you to set a goal, so you set a goal. And now that you’ve reached the goal, how do you feel? Great, of course!

But something is missing. It’s missing because all you’re doing is looking at your new body in the mirror and telling that body you love it! Still, you know that there’s a bigger player in this game. Emerson said “life is a journey, not a destination.” You’ve probably heard some version of that phrase, right?

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Now relate it to that body in the mirror. What does having the six-pack really mean to you now that you have it? It shouldn’t be the most important thing in the room. That six-pack can come and go in a matter of months, even weeks. Slip from your training regiment and start eating poorly and it’s nothing more than a photo of what used to be, but there’s something you never lose.

You NEVER lose that journey. (Unless you actually lose your memory) You NEVER forget what you went through to get to that point. You don’t forget the sweat. There might have even been some blood and tears… some scars to remind you. And once you’ve been through that journey, it’s not so bad to go back. You’re a seasoned veteran. You know your limits and you want to crush them!

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So please, before you sign up for any get ripped quick programs or try to take any shortcuts, think about what really matters. Think about what really lasts. Think about YOU! Oh, and stay HUNGRY AND FIT!


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For hardcore lifters, skip this first paragraph to find what you need. As for everyone else, when I first started lifting weights in the gym and having these focused hour-long or so strength training sessions, I saw all these crazy colored drinks that all the bigger guys had. Most of those were NOXPLODE by BSN, one of the most prominent supplement companies and a pioneer in the industry. More and more supplement companies have been popping up what seems like every single week, creating an endless supplies of pre, intra, and post workout drinks. Still, BSN maintains its place as arguably the biggest there is. They’ve always said FINISH FIRST, and NOXPLODE is certainly one of those products that can help you do just that.

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WHAT’S DIFFERENT: The old formula tasted good, this tastes better. The old formula mixed well, this mixes better. The old formula came in a medium-sized tub, this comes in a much more compact one. As for the effect, as we all know, pre-workout supplements can affect individuals differently. It depends on if your stomach is empty or full, what your tolerance to the ingredients in the blend is, how long and often you’ve been taking similar substances, and if you’re on board or not. The placebo effect of supplements is real, in my opinion, and you must have that mind-muscle connection to push yourself as far as possible. But as for the ingredients, it has nearly everything necessary to promote optimal blood and oxygen flow to allow you to push yourself to the limit.

THE BOTTOM LINE: What I’m saying is that I don’t personally think the new formula is more effective than the old one, in terms of what you feel (tingling, shaking, etc.) BUT it gives you that same amazing result in a better tasting, smoother mixing, and more compact form. That’s a pretty good deal. It’s not like 1MR Vortex, which in my opinion was a FAR INFERIOR product to its predecessor, 1MR. 

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Seriously, this is one of the ONLY FRUIT PUNCH pre-workouts that I can tolerate, let alone enjoy. And the container is so cool. Plus, it’s got a great economical value. It’s not as cheap as White Flood or expensive as NO Shotgun, but it gives you a high-end product at a medium price point. That’s a good deal. Look out for deals at and They usually run specials. Plus you can throw a BSN Syntha-6 on there (one of the most delicious proteins on the market, period.)

Oh, and for anyone that isn’t familiar with it, (which I’m sure most of you are) pre-workout supplements like NOXPLODE help provide amplified levels of energy and endurance to help you maximize your performance and make the most out of your training sessions. It can work for bodybuilders, CrossFitters, strongmen/women, athletes, etc. Just make sure you read everything on the label and listen to all that fine print. Do not mix this in a shaker, it will become all fizz and no liquid. You have been warned. And as always, stay hungry and fit!


Bring the Sexy to Your Back Workout

From one person to the next, people want nice backs. Whether you’re male or female, a sexy, strong back is desirable. It’s not hard to get there! All it takes is time, effort, and perseverance. For more than cosmetic purposes, having a strong back is incredibly useful in everyday life. We will outline a great back workout in a gym to get you that back you’ve been wanting. Please ask questions below if you are unsure about a particular exercise. We enjoy this workout because it hits all parts of our back. We also enjoy it because we did this workout together! Find a workout buddy–it keeps up the level of fun and motivation!

Quick Workout Summary

  • Seated cable rows
  • Lat pull downs 
  • Pull-ups
  • T-bar rows
  • Straight-arm pull down
  • 1-arm row
  • Rack pulls
  • Back extensions

1. Seated cable rows. The reps and sets all depend on what you’re going for. I usually do 4 sets of 1-5 reps for strength. If you’re going for muscular endurance, try 12+ reps. This applies for the rest of the workout. Make sure to isolate your back, and just pull with your arms. 

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2. Lat pull downs. Make sure you’re not using your whole body to pull it down, but instead using your arms to once more isolate your back. And don’t pull it behind your head!

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3. Pull-ups or assisted pull-ups. Make sure you go through these with every last bit of juice in you. These are pull-ups, not chin-ups. What’s the difference? Pull-ups have your knuckles facing you, chin-ups having them facing away from you. 

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4. T-bar rows. Not every gym has this, so we are lucky to be able to use it. It’s a lot of fun! Make sure your body is tight and strong as you row it towards yourself. If you don’t have a T-bar, try using a regular old barbell.

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5. Straight-arm pull down. Make sure your arms are straight on this one and you use your back rather than your triceps. 

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6. 1-arm row. Try to lean against something to give yourself more of a challenge and a way to stabilize your other muscles. Go hard!

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7. Rack pulls. For this one–first off–you need to be making a cute face like Hungry is making. Second, make sure the bar in the squat rack is in the right location so that you can do a small pull and then release it slowly back to the bar. It should make some noise and it should be heavy because this is a small movement.

Rack pulls

Rack pulls

8. Back extensions. We always like to finish off with back extensions to work our lower back as well as everything else. You can do this with or without weight and make sure you are contracting the proper muscles.

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And THAT will bring sexy to your back! This was a really fun workout and it’s even more fun if you get into it and work hard. Get a great playlist ready for yourself and kill it! Each exercise is important in a certain way. It’s important to keep form at tip-top shape and keep isolating your muscles for an effective workout. Remember, we are always here for advice or questions! If you have a question, please comment below! Use this workout to stay hungry and fit!


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Help, I Need a New Workout!

Try It Thursday to the rescue! If you’re ever running out of workout ideas because you’re the kind of person that wants to stay in shape but doesn’t like the monotony of repeating the same exercise routines over and over, Hungry & Fit are here to help. As fitness professionals that have worked with individuals of varying levels, ages, and body types, we have experience innovating and creating new workout programs. Now, we are going to bring these to you… for free of course!

Last week Hungry presented his first Try It Thursday through his Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. (We’re still working on YouTube, Bodyspace, etc.) Since it didn’t get much attention and he liked it so much, we’re going to provide you with the same challenge. However, every week it will change. It might be something you can do once a week, or something that will help you build a workout routine for a whole week. It’s not necessarily a full program for someone with strict goals but it can help everyone try something new and build some new strengths and skills.

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We would love to see you perform, capture, and share your Try It Thursday workouts! Use whatever social media you have or write about it in the comment section of the website. Hungry showed his last week and he really wants to see all of yours! Why? Because it’s fun, because it shows you’re trying, and because we love to see what you’re up to. Keep your eyes posted to all of our social media outlets for the Try It Thursday workouts. They will be coming to you on Thursdays for you perform any time throughout the week. Here is a recap of last week’s Try It Thursday.

Perform a superset of two exercises, which means perform the two exercises back to back. Then rest for two minutes, and continue to perform the two exercises until you have either completed six full sets of each or have performed them for 20 minutes. Remember to warm up before you start this workout for injury prevention. Do not rest in between the first and second exercises, if possible, in order to keep your heart rate elevated. What makes this Try It so much fun? YOU get to choose the exercises!

a. Something you are really good at doing (Reps/duration and weight depend on the exercise!)

b. Something you are really bad at doing (Reps/duration and weight still depend on the exercise…)photo 2 (1)

It’s that simple. The idea here is that you are stimulating yourself both physically and mentally. Dominating the exercise you already are skilled at will help boost your confidence going into the exercise that needs improvement. Even after you possible lose some of that confidence during the challenging exercise, you will be excited to be going back to something you are so good at! It’s a whole bunch of trickery, my favorite way of training clients and working with athletes. Here is what I did.

a. Swim butterfly (against a rip current) in the ocean, breathing every five strokes (1:05 100 pace until fatigued)

b. Practice handstands on the beach (10-12 attempts)

This was a really fun one because I really need to work on handstands and I love the beach. I also capitalized on the rip currents from Hurricane Marie to use the ocean like an Endless Pool and stay in one spot. That way I can come right back out and do my handstands in the same place.

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I hope that everyone who is looking for a new workout keeps an eye on Hungry & Fit all over social media. If you subscribe/follow/like us you will be able to see these every week. Even if you have a serious regiment, it doesn’t hurt to have some extra fun and if you are completely lost and just want to start working out, then these are going to be some really fun free exercises for you!

Use Try It Thursday to stay Hungry & Fit!


The Mecca – Gold’s Venice – Not Just a Bodybuilding Gym?

While the fitness industry is growing at an incredible rate, there has been an unfortunate amount of negative energy between different communities. In the past, athletes got along really well and were considered a clique (in high school, college, etc.) but now people can’t even agree over who is an athlete and what is a sport. Different kinds of athletes (Olympic/sport, martial arts, strongman, powerlifting, endurance, CrossFit, etc.) have all become increasingly hostile and instead of supporting other groups, they put others down in order to lift themselves higher. Since there is no clear competitive comparison of any of the different communities, it all comes down to subjectivity and trash talking. It’s a shame since everyone working towards a healthier lifestyle should continue to motivate one another. While I won’t get into anything in-depth about the can of worms I just opened, I will get back to the topic at hand. Let’s talk about (arguably) the most famous gym in the world.

Gold’s Gym – The MECCA of Bodybuilding – Venice Beach, CA – Since 1965

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These are various pictures of me wearing Gold’s apparel…the gym’s in the background are NOT of Gold’s

Ever seen Pumping Iron starring Arnold and Lou Ferrigno? A lot of that footage was shot at Gold’s and Muscle Beach. (Lou was in NYC) Watch Mike O’Hearn‘s YouTube videos? Mostly at Gold’s yet again. Pictures from your favorite bodybuilders on Instagram? Venice! The Mecca has always been the place to be for bodybuilding and it has become even more popular than it was when Pumping Iron came out, despite the rise in competition. (I’ve been to a lot of good gyms across the world and I am sure you have too!) There is no question that the weather, members, posters on the wall, and equipment scream “come here to be a pro bodybuilder” but let me approach this with a different angle. Is Gold’s not just a bodybuilding gym? 

When we moved (back) to L.A. (Santa Monica) recently, I told myself I need to join a new gym because I cancelled my YMCA and 24 Hour Fitness memberships. That gym needed to be 1) open late, 2) have amazing equipment, and 3) be able to motivate me in some way. Well, Gold’s was open until midnight, had dumbbells up to 200 lbs, and was full of extremely hard-working and passionate people. Whether they were big or small, strong or weak, natural or not, these people were giving it their all and I love that drive, since I DO NOT HAVE IT. But we all know one thing… I am NOT a bodybuilder! So the final question was, is this gym good for someone like myself? Someone who does not have any concrete goals but just works out because he/she enjoys it. Someone who has participated in sports and martial arts their whole life, using concepts and exercises from every community to become the best athlete possible. And that is precisely why I ended up a member at Gold’s. Because of the following that make it NOT JUST a bodybuilding gym.

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(The following is a random list of things that I love at Gold’s, that a bodybuilding gym does not NEED, but this one has them anyway!)

1. Jacobs Ladder – Not one, but two! These are amazing machines and some of the only cardio equipment that I use. Jack up the speed to work on your eye-hand-foot coordination. It helps you maintain relative strength while you build absolute strength.

2. Plyo-Boxes – One that is actually tall. 48” and A TON of them. Different models with one that is just insanely tall. This is one gym where I don’t have to stack boxes on top of each other dangerously to get those high box jumps.

3. Sleds – Multiple sleds in their outdoor workout area. With a countless number of plates to load onto them. Amazing way to build explosive speed and strength in your lower body, while elevating that heart rate. 

4. Endless Rope Machine – There are very few gyms in the world where I have seen one of these. It helps you get a full upper body workout, while working on rope climbing turnover technique, grip strength, and elevating your heart rate. And it’s fun!

5. 200 lb dumbbells – And everything in between. If you are a strongman or powerlifter, heavier weights are necessary for your workouts. You can’t do singles, doubles, and triples with 100 lb dumbbells if you want to make it to the top of the mountain!

6. Cambered Squat Bar – I’m impressed when gyms have 100 olympic barbells. Even more so when they have multiple model hex bars. But when you throw a rackable cambered squat bar into the mix, that makes my day. I love the little things!

7. Olympic Platform – It’s often locked up, but it’s a full Olympic platform with bumper plates, chalk, and no mirror! Olympic lifts are not recommended for bodybuilding so for them to have this platform means this gym is for other athletes too!

8. Kettlebells – Oh, we’re not talking about 12 lb ones. They have 40 kg kettlebells… matching! So you can do your front squats, snatches, and walking lunges with a heavier load! They’re outside too so you can throw up in peace!

9. Punching Bag – Or full body striking bags. Heavy ones. That hang. And 4 of them, at least. These aren’t cheap bags either. Don’t tell anyone but I was testing these out the other night and they took a good beating from my legs.

10. A huge dirty wall – That’s right! A huge dirty wall in back. That way you can do wall assisted handstand push ups without having to take your shoes off, or getting yelled at for taking your shoes off, or getting yelled at for putting your shoes on the wall, etc. You can also do flips off the wall, or use the wall for assisted pullups, etc!

As you can tell, I can go on forever. But I will stop here and tell ALL ATHLETES that visit Los Angeles to stop by Gold’s Venice for a day and get a workout in not just for the equipment but more for the culture. It’s an experience you won’t forget. Plus, you might get to see some real monsters there.

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Disclaimer: Chris KING Tucci and Hungry & Fit LLC have NO AFFILIATION, personal, or professional relationship with Gold’s Gym Venice, Gold’s Gym, or any of its employees. This was written because I wanted to write it to get a few points across. As always, stay hungry & fit.


16-Minute Core Workout

Happy Workout Wednesday! As many of you know, I love “timed abs.” What are timed abs? It’s basically core exercises non-stop, so that your core muscles are seizing up and burning to oblivion. I usually do them 30 seconds each. Here is an awesome workout I did this week and my core is still sore from top to bottom and all around. My favorite kind of burn! There really are no excuses–especially when a workout only takes 16 minutes. And if you don’t even have that–try 8 minutes!

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So repeat the above workout twice if you can. Rest in between sets, but when you’re in the middle of these exercises, try not to take a break. It will burn, it will scream, but push on. It’s an easy workout to throw in your day that you will be feeling for a few days after. Use a timer of some sort to count each 30 seconds–I used my phone timer. Please comment below if you have any questions about the exercises above. 

There are always ways to pull out excuses, but this is a workout that can combat that ugly voice in your head trying to sucker you out of exercising today. Fight it! And fight on! Use this workout to stay hungry and fit! 

*Question of the Day: What’s your favorite core exercise?


Sleepy babies

Sleepy babies


It’s a Wrap! ACE Brand Has a New Clip

I have been using ACE™ Brand Bandages for as long as I can remember. I remember sitting on my mum’s bed, sticking my leg out so she could wrap up my ankle. That was at least ten or fifteen years ago. ACE™ Brand products are still around today, helping provide stability and support to people who need it. They improved their products, innovated new products, and maintained their same high quality. If you follow us regularly, you know that Hungry and I usually get our bodies into trouble somehow. Whether it’s banging up a knee or an elbow, something is usually tender on our bodies. That’s why I’m excited to present to you the ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage with the new ACE™  Brand Clip. 

Good for the ankle

Good for the ankle

Bringing you back to the memory of having my mum wrap my ankle, I used to be afraid of one thing. That scary, spiky metal clip. With the new ACE Brand Clip, those fears vanish. Instead of getting stuck with the sharp end of the metal clip (whether it’s my mum’s fault or the clip’s fault, I’ll never know), it’s an easy plastic clip that you simply press to make it stay. Hooray! It’s an easy way to wrap up anything that needs support without having to fumble with a clip that’s not attached. It makes it much easier to wrap it yourself. All you do is wrap to your likened tightness, put the clip on the top layer of the wrap, and then click it into place!

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I enjoyed trying it on all the parts of my body that usually need some extra support. Each one fit well and was easy to do–even my elbow!

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It doesn’t snag on clothes and holds securely. Of course, it’s great for athletes during their sport or workout, but it works for everyday life as well. It helps support my problem-knee during an active day at work as I am constantly on the move. And even between clients and meetings, with the new clip, I can fix it very quicklyConvenient and comfortable–two of my favorite words. Whether it’s sprains or strains, this new ACE Brand Clip allows you to customize the compression that feels right. I usually like mine fairly tight, while others like it loose. With the new ACE Brand Clip, you have a much easier time to adjust the ACE Brand Elastic Bandage how YOU want it to fit. 

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ACE Brand also just came out with some funny, quirky promotional videos of the new ACE Brand Clip. Find it in the YouTube playlist below. If you’re an athlete, an active person, or just a regular person needing some support, check out the new ACE Brand Clip. It worked for us! I know I’ll be keeping it on my sore knee when I need it. And as always, stay hungry and fit!

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Fitness Meets Virtual Reality

Today we bring you something truly awesome. Something future-like that we’ve always dreamed of. Something bordering on virtual reality. Something that heightens fitness to another level. Enter Immersive Fitness from Les Mills.

Tell me that doesn’t pump you up and you’d be lying to me. Our journey to fitness shouldn’t be a drudgery, it should be fun. It should be empowering. You should look forward to your workouts. This is what Les Mills is trying to encourage.

We know you can’t throw yourself into different worlds without some help. With Immersive Fitness, there’s a huge screen in the fitness studio, immersing you into the scene or action. The instructors cue the exercise moves for the class to go along perfectly with the music, graphics, and excitement to truly get you into it. So as the video fights monsters, you’re doing a synchronized kickboxing routine. As you’re trying to flee pursuers, you’re pumping hard on the bike or sprinting. It’s exciting! It’s not run-of-the-mill stuff, it’s Les Mills. Combination of creative design, exercise design, and technology.


As you know, Hungry and I work at a gym. We take and teach our fair number of group classes. I’ve never even come close to taking a class like Immersive Fitness. Yeah, it’s fun to work on fitness in a group, but imagine kicking virtual reality butt at the same time! That’s what I’m talking about! You can see in the above and below pictures that instead of just focusing on how much your legs are burning, you can zip down a virtual race path or settle into a peaceful pose in front of a beach. 

I’m hoping this will come to a studio or gym near us as soon as possible! I would love try it out, it’s something that perfectly suits my interests. To stay up to date with this new program, follow @thepr0ject on Instagram and their site. And seriously, watch that video again! I love it! With this sneak peek into the Immersive Fitness program, I know that many people will be excited. Cheers for making fitness into an adventure! And for even more bonus points? Les Mills was founded in New Zealand! As always…stay hungry and fit!


Let us know if you have any questions about this program and we can be sure to answer them or steer you in the right direction!

The next level of fitness is here. IMMERSIVE FITNESS™ surrounds participants with cinema quality video content projected onto screens of a purpose-built studio.  Exercise moves synchronize perfectly with music and graphics, creating a truly immersive fitness experience. Learn more

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Les Mills. The opinions and text are all mine.



Painmaster: Dealing with Pain the Right Way

It’s no secret that I am battered and beaten from my years of physical activity. Many trips to the emergency room for injuries ranging from internal bleeding to a separated eye. Nevertheless, as a personal trainer and fitness coach, I try my best to keep my body in the best condition possible. I have battery-powered stims at home, heat pads, cold pads, anti-inflammatory pills and pastes, etc. I might not have a sports medicine office with infrared lasers and ultrasound, but I have almost everything accessible to the average Joe or Jane at a reasonable price. 

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So what do all of these solutions have in common? They’re all a pain in the rear end when you’re constantly on the run like myself and can’t afford to lay down for 30 minutes without moving. Or, on the other hand, it’s not just some digestible you’re throwing into your body everyday. I don’t know about you but I’d rather not take 2 Tylenol daily. It makes me feel like my stomach lining is going to be disintegrated at a young age. And I don’t want that to actually ever happen, especially now.

Can go anywhere!

Can go anywhere!

This is where I heard about PAINMASTER. I know, it’s a pretty awesome name. Its claim to fame in the pain relieving game is convenience and consistency. This guy has about 250 hours of battery life and is made to deliver micro therapeutic signals that stimulate blood and nutrient flow through an area that needs recovery. It essentially expedites the body’s natural healing process without any of the inconveniences that other products provide. That means no forgetting to put the ice pack in the freezer, no replacing those octopus-like sticky pads on your stim every month, no having to set down for a half an hour at a time, and absolutely no painful or uncomfortable shocks, freezes, or burns on your body. This for humans is like a shark and a remora: a perfect symbiotic relationship. 

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Now, I am not saying that this product will cure diseases, fuse broken bones, repair torn ligaments, or provide any other kind of magical results for your severe injuries but it can most certainly help you deal with the pains, aches, and bruises of living an active or not so active life. If you bruise easily, cramp up often, have a “bad shoulder or knee,” or any other of those issues that the doctor can prescribe nothing other than painkillers for, give this a shot. Wear it on the area of concern all the time, except when you’re in the shower or a body of water, and within a few days that hurt area should feel some relief

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It comes in a nice little box with directions and the product itself. It’s two little circular devices connected by wires that attach to two adhesive pads. With the directions, it’s very easy to apply it in the right place. If you have any questions about where to put it, just look online for more information or contact someone capable of helping you find the right spot. If you work in an office and wear professional attire this little guy can slip right under your shirt or pants without anyone noticing. I hope this new option for dealing with the pain in your life provides you with some relief in the near future. And as always, stay hungry and fit!


The World Cup: Perfect for Machine Cardio

Ahhh, the World Cup is finally here! If you unfortunately don’t know what I’m talking about, let me explain… biggest sporting event of the world! Teams from all parts of the world coming together to battle in tournament (soccer or football). It’s a glorious glorious thing for soccer-lovers like Hungry and I. And I’m telling you that these games can tie directly into your fitness! Do you ever feel the drudgery of doing cardio on machines (aka treadmill, elliptical, bike, etc.)? Then this is the ticket for you!


Since Thursday (the start of the World Cup), I’ve found myself on the cardio machines more than usual. Why is that? Because as I’m pumping away at the elliptical, I’m completely engrossed in the World Cup games! Yes, I may be embarrassing myself by throwing up my hands or yelling at the gym TVs, but I am WORKIN‘ it. 

“Machine cardio” becomes a chore for most of us on a routine basis. This means we aren’t putting our all in, say if we did sprints or some other high-intensity, high-focus exercise. When you’re into something, whether it be a song you’re jamming to or a game you are loving, you are working hard. Your mood is up and you are pumping those machines! This means you are working harder, burning more calories, increasing the capacity at which your muscles are fighting, and generally getting a better workout. Set the program to “interval” and just rock it. 

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 Take advantage of amazing soccer being played every day (at least once a day!). Jump on that elliptical or treadmill, even if there’s only 15 minutes left in the half. Something is better than nothing! I know I’ve stepped on the treadmill in these past few days JUST for an excuse to watch the game at the gym. The World Cup is such a perfect way to sneak some machine cardio in especially if you normally despise it! Watch the World Cup to stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: Who are you rooting for in the World Cup?


Sajah being so darn handsome

Sajah being so darn handsome
