
The Benefits To Investing In A Smart BMI Scale

Everything ranging from refrigerators, watches, phones, and even scales are going smart thanks to the ever-advancing digital technology. We now have the smart BMI scale that is quickly becoming popular because of its capabilities. The scale is used to measure the body mass index, which refers to the normal weight and the body composition in fat percentage. Therefore, a smart BMI scale uses an app to help track data and communicate the results with the user. The device collects data and stores it in systems like smartphones or computers.


Does Weight Loss Coaching Really Work?

If you are struggling with weight loss, then you may be interested in learning how to lose extra weight. Perhaps you have even tried out a few weight loss techniques but to no avail. One of the most common approaches to weight loss is to employ coaching. Some swear by weight loss coaching as the best technique for weight loss. So, does it work? The answer is yes! Weight loss coaching has been empirically proven to work. As such, if it doesn’t work for you, you could be doing it wrong. To help you leap the benefits of weight loss coaching, here are a few factors to put into consideration.


6 Wellness Tips for College Athletes 

Everyone knows that sports activities are great for building character and learning how to work with a team, whether it’s in little league or in a competitive college environment. Most high school and college athletes know that it’s important to make sure that they fuel up for the day ahead. However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook all the things that can ensure good health and wellness before hitting the field or the court. This is especially true for athletes who are going through a big transition—such as high school players who are heading off to college.  

Learning to manage a whole new independent lifestyle while keeping up with practice and studying is a huge learning curve. College athletes have to juggle a lot of different responsibilities while keeping their diet, health, and routine in check. So how can they do it? Here are 6 ways young athletes can stay healthy and in top condition during their years in college. 


When to Prioritize Cardio & Strength Training to Fit Your Goals

It’s hard to know when to work out or even what to workout. Our goal is for you to be hungry and fit, and whatever we can do to take out less work and thinking for you, the better! Should you focus on cardio or strength training? How often for each? We want you to be able to dive into a plan of action without having to do too much studying up on something. This is why we are happy to share an awesome infographic with our friends from Health Perch to make it simple as possible to recognize your goals and go forth and achieve them. You can click on the actual article to find more sample workout weeks. Enjoy!

I Want to Be Fit
“When to Prioritize Resistance and Aerobic Training to Fit Your Goals” on Health Perch


A Techie Weighs in on a Smart Scale

Sometimes it can be really challenging to get someone who isn’t interested in physical activity to start caring about their health, especially when you care about them or their progress. A huge population of individuals that are lacking in the exercise category are often those who spend hours and hours in a chair every day. They might be eating so little that they’re avoiding being overweight, but that doesn’t make them healthy.



Should I Have a Scale in the House?

This is a legitimate question I feel like many ask: should I have a scale in the house? This question is a little more complex than it may seem on the outside. It may seem like just a yes or no answer, but there are a lot of intricacies laid beneath. It’s absolutely not just physical–it’s very mental too. It affects your physical goals as well as well as your mental attitude. 

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