
How to Spot Mental Illness in a Teen

Mental illnesses are becoming increasingly common in teens and range from eating disorders and body image issues to post-traumatic stress and depression. Mental disorders can have serious long-term effects, so you must be able to spot the warning signs that your teen is suffering from mental illness. 

You should then be able to offer them the support and guidance they need to make a full recovery and improve their health and wellbeing. 

With this in mind, here are some useful tips on how to spot mental illness in a teen: 

Know when to get help

If you are worried that your teen may be suffering from the symptoms of mental illness, then you should never be afraid to seek professional support. Start by educating yourself on the symptoms of mental health illnesses and reach out to your teen to discuss your concerns. Keep in mind that your teen may be reluctant to discuss their feelings with you at first, or may deny their behaviors i.e. if they are suffering from an eating disorder. 

Try to be understanding and avoid coming across as judgemental. Luckily, many treatment options can help your teen recover from mental illness. This often involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy.

For instance, offers various treatment programs that have been specifically designed to help teens overcome common mental illnesses such as social anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and social media or gaming addiction. 

Educate yourself on mental health

The first step is to educate yourself on the common mental health issues found among teens. Many mental illnesses start in adolescence and they can have a huge impact on a teenager’s academic performance, emotions, and social interactions. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, some common mental health disorders in teens include anxiety disorders, depression, ADHD, and eating disorders. If these conditions are spotted early, then there’s a good chance that they can be treated to prevent them from having any long-term or serious consequences. 

Learn the early warning signs 

Teenagers are halfway between children and adults and they often struggle to find themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin. During the adolescent years, it is normal for teens to present some changes in behaviors. This may involve isolating themselves from family members, lashing out, or experimenting with new activities. However, you must know when teen behavior goes beyond what is normal. 

Here are some warning signs that your teen may be suffering from mental illness: 

  • Poor academic performance or skipping school. 
  • Avoiding spending time with friends or doing activities they once enjoyed. 
  • Extreme shifts in moods. They may be extremely happy and excited one minute then sad, fearful, or anxious the next. 
  • Self-harms or has suicidal thoughts. 
  • Unexplained physical symptoms such as frequent headaches or stomach aches. 
  • Engaging in risky behavior such as drug-taking, unprotected sex, binge drinking, or other dangerous activities.
  • Unexplained weight loss and an obsession with body image, exercise, and healthy eating. 
