
7 Tips for Studying and Traveling Abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting experience for students from the United States. During your studies and travels, you’ll experience a new culture and may possibly benefit from unexpected opportunities.

Still, international experiences can be overwhelming for some. One of the most important things that you can do to prepare for your big trip is to start a travel fund. This is a luxury expense that you contribute to after stashing away money for emergencies and retirement. Use a separate FIDC insured savings account to distance yourself from your travel bankroll and keep it safe.

Start saving early, and make deposits often. Furthermore, don’t wait to start saving until you’ve made all your plans. Once you’ve done this, you can adjust your savings so that your travel nest egg is on target by the time you leave for your trip.

The following sections reveal 7 more insightful and fun tips to prepare you for an overseas learning adventure.
