
I Didn’t Hit Snooze for a Week and Here’s What Happened

I found myself hitting the snooze button more and more often. Maybe it was a hard workout the night before, stress, or just not hitting the hay early enough. Usually, I wake up pretty early and get stuff done in the morning whether that’s a workout or whatever. But for a time, I just kept snoozing and snoozing until it was last alarm time, gotta-get-up-or-you’ll-be-late type of deal. 

So, I made a vow to myself for a week that I would NOT press the snooze button for a week and see how it felt. See what more I could or couldn’t get done and so on and so forth. So, each morning even if I really really wanted to hit that snooze button and get a few more minutes of sleep, I got my butt up outta bed. Even if Hungry stayed in bed and Noke was slow to wake up, we got up (yep, if I’m up, Noke’s up–she’s my precious little shadow).

About what you would expect happened….

