
5 Tips to Buying Medical Supplies

To some of us, obtaining medical supplies is a way for us to stay healthy and function normally. These medical supplies include walkers, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, diabetes supplies, and other products. Thankfully, we now live in the times where access to these products has become a lot easier. In fact, you can even easily buy these medical supplies online. But for that exact same reason as well, it can be worrying to buy online because there are supplies that cannot guarantee a good product. So when it comes to buying medical supplies – whether they are second-hand or not – it is necessary that you are wise about it.


3 Supplements That Can Help With Nerve Damage

The nervous system sends signals to your brain from the rest of the body and vice-versa. These signals determine what your body does and how it feels. For example, moving from one place to another or sensing something on your skin is impossible without this system. Sadly, damage to these nerves is possible. This damage may occur because of several factors including diseases such as cancer, HIV, shingles, and diabetes. Physical injuries can also cause it when a particular incident leads to compressed, crushed, or severed nerves. In most cases, damaged nerves lead to an excruciating level of neuropathic pain. Eliminating this pain as soon as possible in addition to improving the condition of your lungs is an excellent idea. Here are 3 supplements that can help with nerve damage.


Why Casein Protein Deserves More Love

Casein is one of the main types of protein supplements available on the market, however, one could argue that it’s actually underrated.

Many of us are so infatuated with the quick gains and short-term muscle building potential of whey protein that sometimes we just don’t give casein the love it deserves, and the fact that casein is also a bit more costly doesn’t help, but it’s certainly worth those few extra dollars.

ORB Sleep Complex

Should You Use Sleeping Pills?

It depends! That is one of the most common answers in the health, wellness and fitness industries. Why? Every single person is unique and reacts differently to various stimuli. That is why there is not a universal training program that works for everyone. That is why there is not a certain diet that works for everyone. In this situation, it really depends first and foremost on whether you’re having trouble sleeping or not. There are countless sleep-based research studies that have been conducted. Private companies trying to promote their revolutionary, or not so revolutionary, products often conduct their own studies. Universities and wellness institutes do the same since sleep is often considered the most crucial way to recover, and recovery is seen as one of the three core competencies when it comes to your general health. (The other two are physical activity and what you consume.)

In college, I operated at an extremely high level while sleeping four hours or so a night. At the time, I did take a mid-day nap for about an hour. I was training nearly six hours a day and consuming well over 12,000 calories a day. While I was completely drug free, I would take a multi-vitamin everyday and also took some supplements, including fish oils, glucosamine and even melatonin. Melatonin is the most common sleep aid on the market. It is made by many companies and its single ingredient nature makes it less intimidating to most consumers. First, will melatonin make a difference in your sleep and second, how much do you personally need to take?

Even after you find the right amount, any supplement to your health routine might not necessarily maintain its effectiveness over time. You can often build tolerances and find that you need a higher dosage to feel the same outcome. Even if you find it to make a positive difference, the cost over time might outweigh how much better you’re sleeping. It becomes a question of whether you’re willing to make a small investment at first, in order to see if you can sleep better. Those investments can come in many forms, other than pills or tablets. I’ve tried buying expensive pillows, fancy sheets, using a fan at night to stay cool, sleeping with ice packs under my lower back and shoulders, playing sleep music throughout the room, using blackout curtains and more. I’ve tried Neuro’s sleep drink and also Ronnie Coleman’s Resurrection supplement. Why? Because I understand the importance of optimizing recovery.

Most people aim for 6-8 hours of sleep a night. Those are the recommended numbers, according to most sleep research studies. I don’t care as much about the number of hours that I lay in bed at night. My focus is getting in bed, immediately falling asleep, not waking up in the middle of the night and waking up fresh enough that I can instantly roll out of bed at 5:30 in the morning and get right to work. My goal, with my current life schedule, is to be in bed from 10:30 pm-5:30 am and do nothing other than get quality recovery time. Right now, in an effort to do so, with the blistering temperatures and lack of air conditioning in our LA apartment, as well as my insanely, unimaginably impossible schedule, I’ve started using a new product called Sleep Complex by ORB. They reached out to us to see if we would like to try out their product. For honesty purposes, we were paid for this post, but that won’t stop us from giving our honest opinion. 

ORB Sleep Complex

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Why It’s Important to Take a Recovery Day

Note that I didn’t say rest. There are some people out there (looking at you, Hungry) who believe in zero rest days and that’s okay as long as they balance properly. I (Fit here) go for one rest day a week and sometimes it’s a rest and recovery day

What is a recovery day? A recovery day could mean a full rest day where you don’t workout, letting your muscles recover. Other forms of recovery days include yin yoga to really stretch, massage (self or professional), using heat (like a bath or heating pad), self myofascial release (think: rolling out muscles with a hard object), incredibly light lifting to just get your joints loose, or maybe a long walk or easy hike. As you can tell, a recovery day is really up to you. It’s about what you need that day after a week (or a few days) of workouts. It’s about getting in tune with your body and actually listening to it rather than forcing it. For example, my recovery day today consisted of a short yoga session focused on upper back stretches and using a massager on my back. If you can’t tell, my upper back is bugging me. 

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Investing in Your Health (featuring Ortho Mattress)

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed the other day when I saw Jesse Itzler (entrepreneur and author of one of my favorite books, Living With a Seal) encourage his followers to look at their spending habits differently. A lot of people see the amount that they spend on the gym, supplements, organic produce, free-range meat and quickly reconsider their positive lifestyle changes. They tell themselves that all these things don’t matter as they make up excuses to justify their lack of progress. Whether it is bad genetics, an old injury or they can’t afford it, people are constantly creating barriers for themselves. Still, like in business, you need to invest to see some serious returns!


5 Tips to Create a Life You Love

  1.    Recover from alcohol and substance abuse

In order to create a life we love and in which we are happy, we must have our bodies at optimum health. Alcohol and substance abuse can cause our health to deteriorate to a bad state, as well as lead us to be quite unhappy. This is because some have a tendency to spend a lot on drugs, alcohol and other vices. As a result, we may end up losing assets that mean much more to us. Individuals may also end up in debt. Therefore, we must quit and avoice any forms of alcohol and substance abuse in order to be truly happy and content. It is, however, best to receive all the help we can get, like at, a centre which helps people overcome and recover from substance abuse and alcohol addictions.


How Inpatient Rehab is More Effective Than Outpatient Rehab

When a person becomes an addict, his or her life takes a full 180 degrees turn. And because stopping can be difficult, getting into rehab is the best option. It’s the start of the recovery process.

There are mainly two types of rehab: inpatient and outpatient. With inpatient rehab, you reside or check-in to a rehab facility while you are being treated. What happens is that you basically stop whatever you are doing with your life and just do rehab. With outpatient rehab, you live at home, outside of rehab, once the treatment hours are over. You go on with your life, work or school, and other responsibilities, but you spend a certain amount of time in rehab. This typically includes group meetings, individual or family counseling, and various therapy sessions.



Muscle Egg: Pure Protein

I have to start by apologizing to both all of you and Muscle Egg for taking so long to get this out to you. This company has beyond top-tier customer service. When I reached out to them, they were timely and professional. When I continued to reach out to them, they were quick to respond and efficient. You can’t ask for more and you can tell from the picture below that they value getting their high-quality to their customers. I could count on one hand how many times I’ve received a product packaged as thoughtfully as Muscle Egg. It was like opening a Christmas or birthday present, in the best way possible.

Part of the reason they are so mindful in their packaging is the nature of the product. The Muscle Egg containers (pictured below) is frozen when you receive it. You can choose to keep it frozen or throw it right in the fridge. If frozen, it stays for quite some time but once you refrigerate it and open it, its shelf life decreases significantly. Remember, it’s essentially egg whites so think about proper keeping of dairy products when you’re considering how you want to use it. We found our three go-to ways of using Muscle Egg.



Painmaster: Dealing with Pain the Right Way

It’s no secret that I am battered and beaten from my years of physical activity. Many trips to the emergency room for injuries ranging from internal bleeding to a separated eye. Nevertheless, as a personal trainer and fitness coach, I try my best to keep my body in the best condition possible. I have battery-powered stims at home, heat pads, cold pads, anti-inflammatory pills and pastes, etc. I might not have a sports medicine office with infrared lasers and ultrasound, but I have almost everything accessible to the average Joe or Jane at a reasonable price. 

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So what do all of these solutions have in common? They’re all a pain in the rear end when you’re constantly on the run like myself and can’t afford to lay down for 30 minutes without moving. Or, on the other hand, it’s not just some digestible you’re throwing into your body everyday. I don’t know about you but I’d rather not take 2 Tylenol daily. It makes me feel like my stomach lining is going to be disintegrated at a young age. And I don’t want that to actually ever happen, especially now.

Can go anywhere!

Can go anywhere!

This is where I heard about PAINMASTER. I know, it’s a pretty awesome name. Its claim to fame in the pain relieving game is convenience and consistency. This guy has about 250 hours of battery life and is made to deliver micro therapeutic signals that stimulate blood and nutrient flow through an area that needs recovery. It essentially expedites the body’s natural healing process without any of the inconveniences that other products provide. That means no forgetting to put the ice pack in the freezer, no replacing those octopus-like sticky pads on your stim every month, no having to set down for a half an hour at a time, and absolutely no painful or uncomfortable shocks, freezes, or burns on your body. This for humans is like a shark and a remora: a perfect symbiotic relationship. 

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Now, I am not saying that this product will cure diseases, fuse broken bones, repair torn ligaments, or provide any other kind of magical results for your severe injuries but it can most certainly help you deal with the pains, aches, and bruises of living an active or not so active life. If you bruise easily, cramp up often, have a “bad shoulder or knee,” or any other of those issues that the doctor can prescribe nothing other than painkillers for, give this a shot. Wear it on the area of concern all the time, except when you’re in the shower or a body of water, and within a few days that hurt area should feel some relief

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It comes in a nice little box with directions and the product itself. It’s two little circular devices connected by wires that attach to two adhesive pads. With the directions, it’s very easy to apply it in the right place. If you have any questions about where to put it, just look online for more information or contact someone capable of helping you find the right spot. If you work in an office and wear professional attire this little guy can slip right under your shirt or pants without anyone noticing. I hope this new option for dealing with the pain in your life provides you with some relief in the near future. And as always, stay hungry and fit!
