
How to Deal With Neck Pain After a Workout

Some exercises, especially lifting weights, can cause you to have neck pains. Here’s how to deal with neck pain after a workout.

There’s nothing better than getting in a good workout. It makes you feel accomplished, invigorated, and healthy. However, if you experience neck pain after a workout, it can have the opposite effect.

Neck pain can make simple acts like turning your head excruciating, not to mention how much it can disrupt your sleep. The question is, what can you do about it?

Keep reading for our top tips on how to handle neck pain after exercise.


The Health Benefits of a Saddle Seat

When you are looking for the best seating option for your commercial needs, you need to explore the various options so that you will get the best option for you. Among those options, you should look into a saddle seat but before moving ahead you need to find out what a saddle seat is. This is especially important because you need to select a seat that will offer you highest level of comfort with many ergonomics benefits.


Is CBD Cream Worth The Money?

Cannabidiol or CBD can be defined as a cannabinoid which is a compound found in hemp plants and cannabis that has a wide range of health benefits associated with it. Despite the fact that CBD is extracted from cannabis, it’s important to note that it doesn’t cause a high as it would be felt when smoking cannabis. This is because of the minimal level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is in the compound.

There are many forms of CBD. One very popular form is CBD cream. These creams are created by infusing high-grade cannabis plants with high-quality olive or coconut oil. The oil serves as an extractor of the active CBD compound. The compound is then mixed with the therapeutic herbs to form a cream that helps relieve pain.

To get an answer to the question of whether CBD cream is worth the money, it’s essential to first understand how it works and what exactly it does.


What You Need to Know about Living with Nerve Pain

Neuropathic pain or nerve pain is caused by damage in the central nervous system. While most types of nerve pain are caused by chronic diseases such as diabetes, some result from surgery or treatments such as chemotherapy. Additionally, some nerve pain progresses through a gradual process, while others can develop suddenly. Unlike acute pain, nerve pain has no protective function and does not require any stimulus to exist. Nerve pain patients who have difficulty accessing diagnosis can suffer anxiety since they are unsure of their condition. Nerve pain can ruin the quality of life and kill your dreams. Here is what you need to know about living with nerve pain.


4 Things to Look for When Choosing an Alternative to Opioids

Anyone suffering from chronic pain knows that opiates are one of the solutions that medics prescribe. However, with the risks that come with this form of treatment, such as the risk of addiction, it is best to go for opiate alternatives. There is a wide variety of opiate alternatives out there, ranging from exercise, acupuncture, to chiropractic care. But how do you know which one to go for out of all these alternatives? To choose the best, here are 4 things to look for when choosing an alternative to opiates.


3 Supplements That Can Help With Nerve Damage

The nervous system sends signals to your brain from the rest of the body and vice-versa. These signals determine what your body does and how it feels. For example, moving from one place to another or sensing something on your skin is impossible without this system. Sadly, damage to these nerves is possible. This damage may occur because of several factors including diseases such as cancer, HIV, shingles, and diabetes. Physical injuries can also cause it when a particular incident leads to compressed, crushed, or severed nerves. In most cases, damaged nerves lead to an excruciating level of neuropathic pain. Eliminating this pain as soon as possible in addition to improving the condition of your lungs is an excellent idea. Here are 3 supplements that can help with nerve damage.


How to De-Stress Yourself

Mental health is just as important as physical health! Life needs balance, there’s many sides to health: physical, mental, emotional/spiritual. So let’s talk about how to de-stress yourself. Life can be overwhelming. It can suck, it can be hard, it can be unfair. But you’re still going to be at the center of feeling those painful emotions. Work can be stressing you to tears, your partner could put you on the brink, or maybe your family is just driving you insane. Then it’s easy to get sucked into those emotions, like a whirlwind. It’s hard to see any positivity and everything looks real bleak. I know most people has felt this at some point: overwhelmed by stress and/or negative thoughts.

But wait! You don’t have to drown in that pool of painful thoughts and feelings. There’s an exercise that my dad taught me that can really help.



Listen to Your Body

Listen to your body. It is a simple rule that many many many of us tend to forget, including myself. Well, perhaps forget is a rather passive word, but instead ignore. And what do we do? Keep pushing our bodies even though it’s saying, “Um, hi! I’m done now, please stop!” Many of us will call this “wimping out” or just a complaint that can be pushed through. But that is where you need to acquire a skill.

This skill is understanding and knowing your own body. Picking up on the language that your body uses to communicate with your mind. Often, beginners to fitness are a little out of tune with this language. It’s taken one of my clients several months to come to the point where he can really tune into his body and understand when it is telling him to stop or push just that one rep farther.

Working it right

Working it right

Take the time in your next workout to feel out what’s going on with your body. Try to learn the difference between muscle pain (good) and joint or tendon pain (bad). If your muscles are filling with lactic acid, you can feel that pressure, that burning pain, but you know you can just do one more rep to push your body to the proper place. And if you feel your elbow joint or rotator cuff hurting with a sharp pain as you continue to bench press or curl, you know to stop before pushing yourself to injury. You have to walk that tight rope of pain. You have to know which is which.

If you’re unsure, ask a trainer. Point out what’s bothering you and they can tell you if that’s A-OK (ripping muscle fibers to make them stronger!) or a big NO-NO (overly-stressing a joint or ligament). If they’re a good, quality trainer, they will want to help you. Don’t be afraid of asking. It could save you an injury or make a workout that much better.

Chris taking a rest day with the kittens

Chris taking a rest day with the kittens

Don’t be (too) stubborn. Now here, I really need to take my own advice. Tonight we did a chest and triceps workout (here’s a sample). My (we think) rotator cuff has been a bit strained and stressed lately and can get pretty painful with certain exercises like push-ups, chest press, shoulder exercises, and other triceps exercises on the bench. I endured it pretty well tonight, but it kept me from completing as full sets as I would like. However, even though I wanted to push myself harder, I knew that it was worn out after a good number of supersets. I wanted to do another superset or so, but I held back. I didn’t want to seriously injure anything. Often, I can be way too stubborn for my own good, but here is a prime example of listening to your body.

Working myself to a good place where my skin needs to get tougher!

Working myself to a good place where my skin needs to get tougher!

So next time you’re in the weight room or out on a run, keep a finely-tuned “ear” to your body and listen to it!

Cheers! And let us know if you have any questions!
