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Seriously Healthy Whole-Wheat Muffins

Being that it was St. Patrick’s Day recently, I had myself some leftover buttermilk from when I made Jodi’s amazing Irish Soda Bread (fail-proof recipe!). What should I do with this extra buttermilk? I could make another loaf of that delicious soda bread or…I could try a new recipe! I wanted it to be healthy and something guilt-free. With my buttermilk-searching glasses on, I scoured through healthy recipes until I found one I wanted to base my recipe on. Luckily, trusty ol’ King Arthur Flour had a great one! I healthified it even more than it already was (I cut the sugar) and whipped it up. These muffins are so good without being sweet and they pack a serious punch of fiber. They are also incredibly easy to make. Major plus! Takes under thirty minutes. 

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