
Summer Fitness Goals

Goals are supremely important when it comes to fitness. Unfortunately, Hungry and I aren’t always great at having them. However, this summer (a little late), I’ve decided to change that! And by summer, I mean until late September. Goals help you fight harder toward something and give you purpose as you are working out. Goals can have a HUGE range: someone can have a goal of lowering their body fat percentage while another want to increase their splits by another inch. It can really be anything fitness, sport or health related. Just set something.



Motivation: Get Your Goal

This motivation video is here to get you PUMPED and INSPIRED. We urge you to hit that pavement and work hard! Even though you’re tired or you had a bad day, you still go to the gym or wherever you get your exercise, and GET IT. Don’t let the day beat you–beat the day. 

Hungry & Fit standing tall and proud!


Top 5 Inspirational Females in Fitness

A while ago, we posted our “Top 5 Male Fitness Personalities on YouTube” (we also did Hungry’s Top 10 Fitness Heroes) and although we don’t get as many comments as we used to on our other host (LEAVE MORE PEOPLE!), there was one that really got our attention. Someone requested a list of the five most influential females in fitness. At first I thought, sure, no problem. Then it began to haunt me and I realized that I bit off more than I could chew. Martial arts, sports, fitness, aquatics, athletics, and more are all “fitness” and there are countless qualified candidates for this list. 

Thus, I’ve finally decided to take on this monumental task the only way that I know… without any preparation, research, or any kind of grading rubric. I am going to think of decades of females in fitness within a few minutes and deliver to you a list of five that are nothing but pure inspiration. Anyone should be able to look at these five and immediately feel more than motivated to get to work and make some changes for the better.

Well, I guess there are some overall factors that influenced my decisions. No matter how inspirational they are this list will include… No one that tells you constantly to buy products that don’t work. No one that’s been “in the industry” for less than a year. No one that gives you incorrect nutritional advice or inaccurate explanations of exercises. You don’t get bonus points for having ten million followers over all your social media. AND I am trying to represent different communities in fitness because even though one person requested this list, I am creating it for everyone.

And in NO particular order…

Abby Wambach – The Women’s World Cup is upon us and Abby will lead a team that has a #scoretosettle. She’s a total beast, tougher than the men that hit the pitch, who might go down but doesn’t stay down. She’s also a great role model for the LBGT community, showing that one doesn’t have to hide anything but also doesn’t have to extremely outspoken. She lives the life she wants, has a positive influence on others, is one of the top female athletes in the world, and still rocks the pages of the ESPN Body Issue, butt-naked.abby

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Hungry’s Top 10 – Fitness Heroes

In NO particular order, these people have inspired me to achieve great things. And even though I’ve fallen far from my greatest physical achievements, these are some of the only people in the world that can push me to climb back up the mountain. Remember, I’ve been a competitive athlete in many sports for my whole life; this list is 25 years in the making. (These are literally the first ten names I thought of today)

1. Hercules – It’s unfair really, he’s not even real. Still, Kevin Sorbo’s portrayal on the Legendary Journeys captivated me for half a decade. My father has called me “Herc” for over twenty years. Whenever I think something isn’t possible, I call upon the power of Olympus and push through. 


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How to Take on a Challenge

October 4th, 2015. Lake Tahoe, CA. Elevation 6200-9000 feet. Spartan Ultra Beast. 26+ miles. 50+ obstacles.

I haven’t REALLY challenged myself for over 4 years. I was a slacker in high school, even though I was involved in a lot. I did it all, going through the motions, but rarely applied myself. I never studied, rarely practiced outside of class or practice, and as a result, I prevented myself from moving to the next level. College was a little different since I took on so much that it was mathematically improbable for me to be able to complete everything without trying. Still, I lost valedictorian because I didn’t care. I missed Olympic trials because I wanted to be big.  



How to Get Your Fitness Motivation Back

People who can identify in some way to the title know that going through this is tough. Being a normally active person or simply having a goal to becoming a health nut and not having that drive inside of you hurts. It almost wounds you, if you’re someone who is usually top-notch. Whether it’s due to lack of time, lack of energy, or just plain lack of motivation, it’s depressing to not have that hunger to work the body hard. Since I’m no longer training people full-time, I have found that my fitness motivation isn’t as high as it used to be. When I was training full-time, I was an example, and my clients were my motivation. I appreciated all the hard work they were doing and that, in turn, inspired me to keep fighting hard for my health. Now that I’m not training as much, my motivation dips to what I can do to “stay in shape” or “get by.” This is the worst because just getting by is average and I loathe average. 

It’s not all bad news. There’s light behind those dark clouds. It is possible to get out of that slump and the key is within your own mind. I’ve thought about this a lot recently–how I want to beat average and become my truly fit self again. I’ve thought about what has motivated me in the past or what has really fired me up. Being fit is a very personal thing. Everything is in your head–your goals, your inspiration, your drive, and so forth. Motivation is not universal. I can tell you right now that Dani California Cooks does not get motivation to workout hard while listening to a video game soundtrack like I do (she’s nerdy in other ways). We are all different–and that’s what makes humans so interesting. However, there are some tips on how to tap into your inner drive and motivators and how to get your fitness motivation back. 

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Get Back Up

With this big move and transition including everything and above, Hungry and I are struggling to create a routine. I’m using the train to get to work, he’s driving, he has weird hours, I like to be home before sundown if I’m walking by myself. What am I getting at? It’s tough for us to make a solid fitness routine. We haven’t been on our A-game (Hungry has been much much more than I), we haven’t been Hungry and Fit. I’ve been seriously struggling with setting a routine. There were times where I wouldn’t workout for a week! What! That’s crazy for us, but it happens. Sometimes you can’t always be a power machine because life enjoys throwing curve balls. But you can always get back on your feet and start again. Always.

Recent trip to the gym

Recent trip to the gym

Despite our bumpy road of transition–finding gyms, finding time for the gym, starting new jobs, juggling the animals, etc.–we are starting to get back on our feet. Hungry has been really good about finding time and pushing himself, me not so much. However, I miss having sore muscles and callused hands. I miss that feeling of desperate fatigue, of power, of strength, of a knowing calm. Although I am a bit sad and disappointed with how much strength I have lost, I know that I can get it back. I know I can get my bench press and squats back up to even beyond what they once were. 

It’s all about perspective. If you sink yourself into the little hole that you feel you are in, you are going to drown. However, if you step back and put into 6 month, a year, or even 5 year perspective, is it really going to put that big of a dent in your life? The answer is no. The answer is that you’ve fallen on your butt before, and somehow you’ve gotten up again. So even though I’m not on my feet, I have the mindset and knowledge that I will stand back up. I’m pulling myself up now and I know I will be hitting the iron on a regular routine. Try not to get down on yourself (because that just makes things worse) and know that you can get back up. As always, stay hungry and fit!

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Who Inspires You?

We are all here for a reason. When I mean “here,” I mean on this path and journey to achieve good health and fitness. No matter what your goals are, you are here for a reason. I’m here to give you a short post today, and ask you WHO inspires YOU to keep going on this journey. We all have someone in mind when we strive for health or look for motivation, even if we don’t know it. Someone special to us, someone we care for, someone who depends on us–it could be ANYONE! We all need motivation each and every day, and what easier place to pull it from than someone who means so much to us? 

Went to WaterWorld and had a blast

People who inspire us…

Abusing people

and more selfies

Family timez

Fit's parents...miss them already

Maybe we will do that extra rep or that extra minute or that extra mile because that person is in mind. Because you want to be healthy enough to see them get married. Because you want to look good for them and see their face light up. Because, maybe, while they inspire you, you want to inspire them. Not all of us have a person in mind when we workout, but if you dig deep, you may find it there. It could even be you. 

So as you go through your motions today, think about who you inspires you to push past that level of comfort and keep going through and beyond your routine each and every day. It’s important to draw motivation from wherever we can. This method can bring motivation that comes from a deeper place, a deeper meaning that will inspire us for days to come. When you step into the gym, into your run, or whatever you do, think about WHO inspires YOU. And as always, stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: Who inspires you?
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Shortcuts Are for LOSERS

(Note: Apologies, loyal readers, for our absence yesterday. It was supposed to be a food post day and we failed to provide so here’s an extra special and meaningful article brought to you by Hungry, King of Rants… and Motivation.)

Have you ever seen all of those get ripped quick programs? Lose 10 lbs in 10 days? Drink this magic juice that arms your blood cells with swords and shields to destroy all of your fat cells while you sit on the couch? How about machines that burn more calories in 10 minutes than an hour in the gym? You know, the ones that you stand on and they just vibrate!

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Well, I’m not here to discredit or review any of those products. Those posts are due to come at a later time. I am here for something far more important, a lesson that someone like myself has learned personally and seen others learn over time. I am here to tell you that you don’t actually care about your results in your fitness journey.

Does that sound crazy or what? Of course you care! You’ve wanted that six-pack for ten years. You’ve wanted to fit in those size 4 jeans ever since you graduated high school. Your trainer or coach told you to set a goal, so you set a goal. And now that you’ve reached the goal, how do you feel? Great, of course!

But something is missing. It’s missing because all you’re doing is looking at your new body in the mirror and telling that body you love it! Still, you know that there’s a bigger player in this game. Emerson said “life is a journey, not a destination.” You’ve probably heard some version of that phrase, right?

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Now relate it to that body in the mirror. What does having the six-pack really mean to you now that you have it? It shouldn’t be the most important thing in the room. That six-pack can come and go in a matter of months, even weeks. Slip from your training regiment and start eating poorly and it’s nothing more than a photo of what used to be, but there’s something you never lose.

You NEVER lose that journey. (Unless you actually lose your memory) You NEVER forget what you went through to get to that point. You don’t forget the sweat. There might have even been some blood and tears… some scars to remind you. And once you’ve been through that journey, it’s not so bad to go back. You’re a seasoned veteran. You know your limits and you want to crush them!

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So please, before you sign up for any get ripped quick programs or try to take any shortcuts, think about what really matters. Think about what really lasts. Think about YOU! Oh, and stay HUNGRY AND FIT!


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