In the slew of life, it’s easy to lose motivation. Hungry and I know that very well recently, as we’ve been caught in the whirlwind of the move. We’ve been pulled this way and that to try to get everything in order before we leave for California in 11 days. We haven’t been as set on our fitness regimen as we usually are. Some days, you can’t even find us at the gym! That always stresses both of us out as fitness is a huge part of our life. Motivation can dwindle when life gets busy, but we can always find a way to see the light.
Even when life catches up with you, the power is always within you to beat it back down. We have tons of pathways for motivation and sometimes you have to search all of them to really draw that inspiration to keep going and get back on that horse. You’ve seen our previous Motivation Mondays, so I want to bring you in a different direction and ask you to ask yourself a question.
Why do I?
Why do I what? I want you to ask yourself, why do you exercise? And be honest! Write down all the reasons. Is it to get strong? Is it to get thin? Is it to keep off that heart attack that lies in your genetics? Is it to be the best in your sport? Is it to put off that extra weight? It is to balance your wine indulgence? Is it to stay mobile? Is it to be an example to your kids? Is it the ticket to winning your crush? It could be anything. We all have tons of reasons–some vain and some rooted deep.
Take out a piece of paper and pen, your laptop, your phone–something that you can write this list down. I want you to read it over and make sure you get it all out. Then print it if necessary and put it up where you will see it every day. It could be the fridge, the mirror, the dresser, and so forth. Put it in a stand-out place. Remember, this is for you to take back your fitness and ride that motivation wave.
Let us know how that works out for you. I know I will be doing this list as well. It’s important to stay connected to the roots of our fitness. Why we started this journey and why we never want it to end. Motivation can be drawn from many places, but a big source is yourself. I hope you enjoy making this list. Keep on it to stay hungry and fit!
*Question of the Day: What’s one reason on your list for why you exercise?