

Why We Eat A Lot of Fish!

The most consumed primary protein source in our home is probably seafood. We eat a lot of tuna. Salmon is also one of our go-to meals. Canned mackerel, sardines and even anchovies are staples in our pantry. You might even find a variety of frozen, wild caught fish in our freezer… in case of emergencies. (For anyone wondering, Morningstar, Tofurkey, Beyond Meat and other “fake meat” products are our second most common primary protein source.) We eat fish because it is, in our opinions, more humane and sustainable than consuming other animals such as cows, pigs and chickens. It can also be healthier, if done properly. Even though I am not a vegetarian, I was a pescatarian for nearly a year when we lived in Boulder. If you manage your macronutrient and overall caloric intake properly, and supplement micronutrients such as vitamins/minerals properly, you can most likely live a healthy lifestyle without certain sources of protein.
