Poor memory can strike individuals at any age, and from children to the elderly, a lapse in short-term or long-term memory can bring with it a number of health issues, both mentally and physically. Just as with any muscle, “exercising” your brain can improve its functionality in many ways, including those related to memory. Here are 5 tips for boosting your memory at any age.
What You Need to Know about Living with Nerve Pain
Neuropathic pain or nerve pain is caused by damage in the central nervous system. While most types of nerve pain are caused by chronic diseases such as diabetes, some result from surgery or treatments such as chemotherapy. Additionally, some nerve pain progresses through a gradual process, while others can develop suddenly. Unlike acute pain, nerve pain has no protective function and does not require any stimulus to exist. Nerve pain patients who have difficulty accessing diagnosis can suffer anxiety since they are unsure of their condition. Nerve pain can ruin the quality of life and kill your dreams. Here is what you need to know about living with nerve pain.
Returning to Meditation
I used to be really into meditation. I did it daily. I even taught a class on it back in the day. It was one of my daily habits, but somewhere along the last year, it’s kind of dropped out of sight. There are so many benefits to meditating. It can help clear stress, focus your mind, and generally get a better hold on mental health. I think it strengthens willpower, mental fortitude, and gives me tools to get through high-stress situations. It’s finding a safe rock through violent storms, a moment of quiet in a crowded room. The benefits are endless and can be different for each person. So why did I stop? Life, laziness, lack of priorities. At the very least, I’ve become aware of my failing habit and I’ve set a course to correct it. One of my annual goals is to meditate 4x/week and I’ve been semi doing okay on that goal.
5 Tips Seniors Can Use To Improve Memory
Memory loss is a characteristic of the seniors. Memory difficulties evoke immense fears despite being a normal aging process. Luckily, there are a few steps seniors can adopt to improve their cognitive ability. Here are the top five tips to being with:
1) Improved Social Connections
Enhanced socialization can greatly improve a senior’s memory. There is no better way to improve social connections than spending time with family and friends. Besides, you can also seek the services of a professional senior care agency and join a class or a volunteers program. If you have a senior within Florida experiencing memory loss problems, there are quality elder care services in Palm Beach County where he or she can get support by participating in daily social events and therapeutic activities.
Meditation to Find Your Center
In this rough and tumble world, it can be exceedingly difficult to find grounding. Most of us live in an environment of stress where it feels like we are just bouncing along and unable to get a grip. The stress whips us up and it’s hard to find grounding and perspective. The tornado of stress is the center of our attention and everything else falls to the wayside. It feels turbulent, dangerous, and unsettling. There could be a myriad of factors that play into this: your work, your partner, your boss, family life, money, and so forth. Unfortunately, the list of stressors is a lengthy one.
I find that the meditation below helps calm the world around me down and reminds me that everything I need is already inside of me. I hope you find it useful.
Our 3 Favorite Breathing Techniques
If you’re a regular reader, you probably know we are fans of meditation. We may not be perfect at it, but we try every day to deepen, or at least continue, our practice. It helps us find focus, grounding, and perspective. When the world threatens to put everything on your shoulders, it helps to sit down and take a breather. It puts everything in perspective and reveals that all is not lost, that there’s still hope. It gives you some space from all the stresses and anguish that may be coming down on you. It also helps you realize that this is just a current mental state and that it is and always will be fluid.
To get into a meditation practice, it’s always a good idea to start with breathing. This helps calm the mind down and pushes it to focus on one thing: your breath. Below are our three favorite breathing techniques to clear the mind:
4 Reasons Why Talking about Health in College is Important
Talking about health topics in college is important and can be imperative to one’s success. Many students have not learned about health topics in an in-depth manner while in college preparatory or high school. When they arrive on a college campus, chances are that they are oblivious to some wellness topics that could be of use to them. This article will help identify why it is important to talk about health in college.
The Urge to Treat
DK’s Donuts (in Los Angeles) is a dangerous place, but I’m sure you have something similar near you. Take a few seconds to scroll down and check the pictures out. At that point, you have a few choices. Keep reading, go out and get a sweet treat, or close this window out and try to purge the thought of delicious food from your short-term memory. Either way, we’re tempted every day by various things that make us want to break away from what we feel is the right thing to do.
Cures For a Few Sleep Problems
If there’s one problem in America, it’s a serious sleep problem! How many people have you talked to just in one day that complain about a bad night’s sleep or complain that they’re tired? I feel like it’s rampant, especially in Los Angeles and other big cities. It can be little things to a busy mind that won’t quit or big things like insomnia. Any little or big thing can seriously detract from your sleep which then detracts from your life in its entirety! Lack of sleep can cause irritability which can cause stress in your relationships which can cause major unhappiness. Lack of sleep can be a root problem of many other seemingly larger problems. I’m sharing this graphic on behalf of Casper, an online company that sells a new latex foam mattress, to give you some simple cures to frustrating sleep problems.
Meditation for Positivity
In our hustle and bustle world, it’s easy to get down. It’s not always easy to get out of these feelings, so you get stuck in a negative bubble. Maybe you had a rough day at work, maybe you and your partner aren’t getting along, or maybe you’re just in some kind of funk. You may be working hard and getting nowhere, but staying in that foxhole of negativity is NOT going to help you in any part of your life. Try this meditation to keep your head up and your mind clear of negative distractions.