
How to Convert Leftovers into a Masterpiece

So you’re sitting there thinking, how the heck am I going to make this leftover restaurant food taste good? First, don’t you dare put that fish in the microwave. Or those fries. In fact, I’d avoid the microwave when reheating leftovers (especially from take-out/delivery/etc) because it’s going to have an awful texture. Fried food won’t be crispy, just saturated in oil. Proteins won’t be juicy, just rubbery. No one wants to eat a tire.

While this might only be one recipe, it should inspire you think about what you can do with those leftovers to… make them even better than when you first had them. That’s our goal at home and my challenge every night. For this particular recipe, we had some spinach & artichoke dip from a crummy pizza delivery night, but we turned it into a fine dining experience. How? Here you are.



Meditation to Find Your Center

In this rough and tumble world, it can be exceedingly difficult to find grounding. Most of us live in an environment of stress where it feels like we are just bouncing along and unable to get a grip. The stress whips us up and it’s hard to find grounding and perspective. The tornado of stress is the center of our attention and everything else falls to the wayside. It feels turbulent, dangerous, and unsettling. There could be a myriad of factors that play into this: your work, your partner, your boss, family life, money, and so forth. Unfortunately, the list of stressors is a lengthy one.

I find that the meditation below helps calm the world around me down and reminds me that everything I need is already inside of me. I hope you find it useful.



Friday Workout (No Equipment Needed)

It’s Friday. You want to go out and drink or eat or spend time with loved ones. You don’t feel like going to the gym for an hour. I hear you, but don’t give up on your results! Continue the journey wherever you are. You don’t always need a gym for a good workout, so I designed a quick at-home circuit you can do with no equipment. Listen to Nike, and just do it. So before you grab that taco, grab your workout clothes and get to it!



The Muir Woods

When you take a road trip up the Pacific 1 and stop in every major coastal city, you’ve seen a lot. When someone asks you what part was your favorite and you have a quick response, that says a lot. The Muir Woods was that place for me.

