
How to Get Great-Looking Legs

It’s a great feeling when you’re confident about the look of your body. Just think of how good you felt on those days you had clear skin, your hair was just right and your favorite outfit fitted you perfectly. Yet those of us who have issues might not feel that way very often and one of those problem areas we may have could be our legs.

Whether you have trouble with trousers, or you feel like you need to keep your legs covered up on even the hottest days there are things you can do to help. Have a look at some of these suggestions to see what could work for you so you can wear your shorts or skirt this summer, and get those jeans you’ve had your eye on.


The Top 3 Squat Workouts That Tone Your Glutes Fast

Keeping yourself healthy is one thing while keeping your body sexy and firm is another thing. Achieving these goals will really require a lot of hard work and patience. If you really want to get that sexy and healthy body, then simple workout routines won’t do the magic. You will have to target specific parts of your body and their muscles, while slowly toning and firming them. Luckily, with this write-up, you won’t have to worry about toning the gluteus maximus muscles of your butt as we will provide you with the 3 best squat exercises for you.

All of those who already go to the gym know that squat routines are the best workout exercises to train thighs and butts and make the muscles firmer. It is also the simplest and easiest workout routine to learn. With many variations developed throughout the years, squats have truly been proven and tested as the best routine for our glutes.

With the 3 squat workouts that will be explained below, you will be able to focus on the training and toning of your glutes.

Hindu Squats

Image result for hindu squats


I Squatted Every Day for a Month, Here’s What Happened

One of my fitness-related goals for 2017 is to focus on my legs more: this means more muscle development and time devoted to these suckers. So, to start the year and the goal off in the right direction, I started a program called Squat Every Day by Cory Gregory. Hungry talked me into it and although I’m not a big fan of doing an exercise every day, I decided to give it a try. To give a bit of an overview, this guy has you squatting every day for 30 days, but not every day is “leg day” if that makes sense. You’ll do 10 sets of squats and then do back exercises, 10 sets of squats then you’ll do chest exercises, and so on and so forth. There are a lot of squat variations in this program and Gregory especially loves front squats (did a lot of those!) as well as lots and lots of lunges.

What was the ultimate result? My legs and glutes got stronger, firmer, and bigger which is great! I’m happy with the results it brought. However, there were some downsides to it as well. Below I’ve listed the good and the bad of this program:

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