
How about a genuine Dominican Moro de Habichuelas with all the Caribbean flavor?

When we think of the Caribbean, exotic landscapes and colors come to mind. This is translated into a rich variety of dishes, still largely unknown to most of us. Caribbean cuisine is probably less widespread than African cuisine or Amerindian cuisine, let alone European. This is because it takes elements from these three traditions and many more. This blend was enhanced by natives who have created flavors unique to the region and is characterized mostly by the presence of beans and rice. To start approaching these flavors, you may start trying this easy red beans and rice recipe.


Food is Flavor

We’ve done posts in the past about salt… lots of them. We also had a post where we talked about our unconventional uses of pickle juice. Everyone has their flavor of choice and sometimes, that is all you need to put a smile on someone’s face. In this household, vegemite, capers, olives, and pickles are more valuable than silver and gold… almost. A cracker with cheese, apple, vegemite, and pickle is a higher traded commodity than a filet mignon. That might be because Fit doesn’t eat filet mignon but nevertheless, flavor rules

