
How to Reduce Stress During Quarantine

The quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic has been one of the most stressful events in many people’s lives. You’re not sure when it’s safe to go out, you never know who could by carrying the virus, and there’s no clear end in sight with a vaccine still in development. With all your favorite stores, bars, cafes, and restaurants closed, there’s seemingly nowhere to go. So, you’re stuck inside reading, streaming endless online content, and chatting over video chat with friends.

It’s totally understandable if that’s left you a little stressed out. In this post, we’ll walk you through what you need to do to reduce your stress levels and make it through quarantine feeling calm and relaxed, even in spite of the raging global pandemic


First Grocery Trip of the Quarantine Kitchen Challenge

Last Thursday, we announced a challenge that we were going to take part of during quarantine, where we’d push ourselves to use the food we already have at home. To summarize, we allowed ourselves two meals out (delivery or take-out a week, Monday through Sunday) and SIX grocery items for each of us, once every two weeks. Today was our first trip to the grocery in two weeks, and based on what we had at home and what we were craving, this is what we each decided to buy. 


Corona Quarantine Kitchen Cupboard Challenge

What a mouthful! As we move into our fourth week of self-isolation, we can count the number of times we’ve left the house on one hand. Alana left once, to take Noke for a hike at a local trail that isn’t very heavily used. I’ve made a few trips to the grocery store to replenish our food supplies, although looking back at it, we were still living a little too luxuriously. I wouldn’t say that we were being careless, but we definitely didn’t need the groceries that I bought. While milk and yogurt certainly aren’t that much of a stretch, we think we could make it through this with less. Thus, the Corona Quarantine Kitchen Cupboard Challenge was born. 

