
Almond Butter Chocolate Protein Bites

This new year has been so busy already! However, I’m finding more time for creative outlets, like: cooking, baking, recipe-trying, writing, and such. It provides such a great counterbalance to the other stresses of life. Being creative helps relieve that tension, burden, and stress…at least for me it does. Hungry and I have been doing a tough if not repetitive program for the whole month of January (more to come on that later) and we need all the protein we can get to help our poor muscles rebuild each day. I follow the Minimalist Baker and was inspired by one of her recipes found here. Although this recipes differs from her original, it has the same base ingredients. I wanted something easy to pop in the mouth while still getting good nutrition. So, I came up with almond butter chocolate protein bites, and I’m really trying not to eat them all in one go. The ingredients are simple and the macros are great. They are a touch sweet with wonderful texture and you know you’re eating something healthy!



Crustless Cranberry Pie Cake

This one is an interesting recipe. It’s technically called a “pie” as per this recipe, but I think it’s more along the lines of a cake. It’s texture is much more akin to a cranberry cake, it has some body to hold the cranberries within the batter. This was one of the easiest recipes of Thanksgiving and the theme of cranberries will certainly carry on to Christmas as well. This is a simple dessert that makes cranberries the star. The cranberries are put whole into the pie-cake and, when baked, they melt into tart-y goodness. I tried to minimize the sugar and butter in an attempt to healthify this. If you’re running last minute on a dish you need to bring to a party, choose this one–not much prep involved!



Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

One of many delicious recipes to come from our Thanksgiving feast...pumpkin cheescake pie! Two beautiful things in one: pumpkin pie and cheesecake. I feel like pumpkin is the quintessential Fall food and I was more than happy to have stumbled upon this recipe from smitten kitchen! This may not be the most fit recipe, but I tried to healthify it a little by trimming down the sugar. I cannot explain or describe how wonderful this pie was. I’m usually not a huge pumpkin pie person, but I was eating this for every meal (yes, breakfast too). I just couldn’t control myself! Thebeautiful smoothness of the pumpkin with a cheesecake marble on top was too much for me to handle. A perfect dessert that isn’t cloyingly sweet. 



Cheat Meal Recipe: Loaded Baked Potato

Hey team Hungry & Fit, are you hungry?  This is actually what we put together for last year’s Super Bowl, if my memory serves me right, and we’re just now releasing it because well… it just feels like the right time. We’ve moved into winter and everyone’s a little more relaxed with their diets as they don’t have to worry about their beach body right now. While this doesn’t necessarily need to be an “unhealthy” or “cheat” meal, you’re more than welcome to have some fun with it and look at it as a “treat meal” instead.

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No-Bake Pumpkin Protein Balls

We haven’t made recipes in way too long here at Hungry & Fit. We pledge to post more recipes and more fitness advice! Getting back to our roots. Lately, we’ve committed ourselves to stick to a budget. We used to spend WAY too much money on food (think above $500 each) per month so we made a goal of eating in most of the time. We’ve made true of that commitment so far, eating in for almost every meal! We’ve gotten to cook more and fatten up our wallets. We also feel better since we know what we’re putting down our throats. Yay for budgets and eating well! 

I’ve been wanting to get back into the kitchen for a while. I saw Carrots ‘n’ Cake’s recipe and decided to do my own spin on it. It’s no-bake pumpkin protein balls–an incredibly simple recipe with very few ingredients. This recipe also has that canvas for being creative. Try putting different wet and dry ingredients in! I went with pumpkin since…’tis the season after all! 



Curried Egg Salad Sandwiches

The final piece of our Downton Abbey party is here…the curried egg salad sandwiches! This one is the one I got most creative (aka deviated from the recipe found here: The Unofficial Downton Abbey Cookbook, Revised Edition: From Lady Mary’s Crab Canapes to Daisy’s Mousse au Chocolat–More Than 150 Recipes from Upstairs and Downstairs (Unofficial Cookbook) ) with. These were also Hungry’s favorite! The eggs and the curry make a wonderful pair. The mayo gives it that creaminess that you just sink your teeth into. All together, it’s an unbeatable sandwich. This one, if not the others, will be a repeat I make very often. Let’s get to it.



Raspberry Meringue Pie

Recently, I had a Downton Abbey get-together with a few friends. I’ve been watching with one friend who has just started because I love the series so much, I don’t mind to watch it all again! And because I recently got the Unofficial Downton Abbey Cookbook, I wanted to turn a simple Downton Abbey viewing into a food-included party! There were a few things on the menu: cucumber sandwiches, egg salad tea sandwiches, a beautiful salad, tea (of course), and raspberry meringue pie. The others will be coming as a recipe to Hungry and Fit soon, but for now, let’s start with the Raspberry Meringue Pie. 

This pie has a wonderful tartness that comes from pure beautiful raspberries co-mingled with the small meringue atop it. I’m really not a fan of super sweet pies, so the tart ones are my favorite (see: my mum’s rhubarb pie). I shouldn’t say exactly how much of this pie I ate, but it was more than one serving. This pie brings the dessert to you without all the sugar-y sweetness you’ll find in most pies. I had a lot of help from Jamie (our resident guest chef) on this one. Let’s dig in.



Red, White, and Blue Cookies

Happy 4th of July! While you’re thinking of what to bring to that friend’s BBQ, consider wowing the crowd with a sweet treat–with festive colors, of course! This patriotic batch of cookies are easy to whip up and let me tell you, the batter is delicious. I tried to cut some of the fat and sugar down in this recipe so you don’t have to feel too guilty about them alongside your beers and hot dogs. I got this original recipe from Dani California Cooks and tweaked them into cookies. I love being creative with other people’s recipe to really make it my own. Enjoy!



Blueberry Cashew Topping

We’re still eating clean for the most part over here at Hungry & Fit headquarters and that means getting creative when we have sweet tooths (teeth…). Hungry recently came up with this divine topping (or sauce) to put on breakfast or “desserts.” I was absolutely blown away when he served it to me atop a stack of Kodiak pancakes (healthy pancakes). I was like, well someone got carried away, is this still healthy? And guess what–it was! I was shocked when I learned the ingredients for this beautiful, delicious topping: blueberries and cashews were the main components. Each bite was like a slice of heaven–the cashews were just soft enough to ease into your mouth and melt while the blueberries soothed everything out. Okay, enough dreaming, let’s get to the real stuff!

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Blueberry Cashew Topping
Serves 2
A healthy, divine topping to put on breakfasts or desserts
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Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 2/3 cup blueberries
  2. 2/3 cup cashews
  3. 1/4 cup applesauce
  4. 1 tbsp brown sugar
  5. 1 tsp honey
  6. 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  1. Roast the cashews with the honey
  2. Throw rest of ingredients in and simmer for 5 minutes
hungry and fit
Yeah, 5 minutes is accurate! As you are frying up those pancakes, heating up those waffles, scooping that froyo, heat this up in a pan! You and your family will be thanking me this weekend. It’s an easy way to trick the kids into liking something healthy! It’s a perfect weekend breakfast addition. It’s easy and anyone with a heat source and a pot can make it. It also isn’t too sweet. I’m not a fan of most pancake toppings because there’s way too much sugar. This balance is absolutely wonderful. Make this recipe to stay hungry and fit!
