
Conor McGregor’s Nutritionist Shared Exciting Stuff to Stop Sugar Cravings

Conor McGregor’s dietitian ought to be the one to be able to advise you on how to curb your sugar cravings.

His name is George Lockhart, and he is a nutrition specialist advising top sporting heroes on what they can or can’t eat.

That’s why when it comes down to kicking your sugar habit once and for all it stands to reason that he is a man to trust.

Many resources raise an arguable statement that the white substance is more addictive than cocaine in every aspect and it’s pretty hard to quit.


Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Yeah! (Protein Bar Review)

Oh no, here it is. Another protein bar review. Do they ever end? Truth be told, it seems like there is a never-ending supply of ready-to-eat protein snacks out there. It is hard staying on top of them all, but for us, it is important to know what exists because we’re asked for recommendations ALL THE TIME! We rarely find a product that is worthy of being coined innovative in any stretch of the imagination. When we do find innovative products, they’re not necessarily win-wins. For example, our review of Built Bar gave them credit for making a product that had a very strange texture. While we weren’t fans of it, we figured someone out there might be. Innovative? In a way. Enjoyable? Not for us. Enough of that old news though; what about Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Yeah bar?

Attractive packaging



How to Improve Your Diet (And Your Relationship with Food)

We are what we eat, which is a simple way of saying that the food we eat directly impacts our health, our mood, and our physical shape. Having a healthy relationship with food means that we can get all the vitamins and nutrients that we need, in portion sizes that our bodies can process. Without this balance, our health and wellbeing can fall out of tandem, and we suffer as a result. 

If you don’t naturally have a good relationship with your food, then it can feel like a challenge to reconfigure what you eat and how you feel about your meals, but with this guide, you can start your journey on the right track. 


What I Eat Every Single Day

When people see me take down a whole pizza and still have a six pack, they assume that I have great genetics. I wish that was the case, but it isn’t. My genetics are awful, so what’s my secret? The secret to me staying in shape all year long is consistency. You might see me eat some pretty epic cheat meals on social media, but I make sure to walk our dogs twice a day, garden every day, go to the gym at least five days a week, and most importantly, eat clean about 95% of the time. For me, that combination is a very healthy lifestyle.


6 Wellness Tips for College Athletes 

Everyone knows that sports activities are great for building character and learning how to work with a team, whether it’s in little league or in a competitive college environment. Most high school and college athletes know that it’s important to make sure that they fuel up for the day ahead. However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook all the things that can ensure good health and wellness before hitting the field or the court. This is especially true for athletes who are going through a big transition—such as high school players who are heading off to college.  

Learning to manage a whole new independent lifestyle while keeping up with practice and studying is a huge learning curve. College athletes have to juggle a lot of different responsibilities while keeping their diet, health, and routine in check. So how can they do it? Here are 6 ways young athletes can stay healthy and in top condition during their years in college. 
