
Blueberry Overnight Oats

I’m (Fit, here) back again! Two posts in a row. Crazy, right? I know I’ve been off the blog for a while, but I thought I’d pop in a bit more to share some recipes. And today’s recipe is…Blueberry Overnight Oats! Overnight oats may seem like a trendy breakfast you’ll only find in Los Angeles, but there’s more to it than just the fad. Overnight oats is (are?) a timesaver. It’s a nice colder alternative to traditional oatmeal, especially nice in the warmer months. And you can get really creative with the ingredients you put inside.

We nicked this recipe from the lovely Fit Foodie Finds and made it our own. If you haven’t checked her out, head on over–lots of great recipes to find there. This overnight oats recipe is all about the blueberries! Though, again, overnight oats can be whatever you want to put in, as long as you have a liquid. It’s so incredibly easy to throw these ingredients together and enjoy them the next day in a nice chilled bowl! 
