Are These Habits Drying Out Your Mouth?

Have you ever woken up with the roof of your mouth and your tongue completely dried out? This actually has a technical term, xerostomia, and has been known to happy from time to time. Sometimes the causes are environmental – such as when you’re in a drier environment (think wintertime, hot and arid climates). Sometimes the causes are something you ate, such a very salty meal. It’s more annoying than anything, but there are steps you can take in order to stop this. Why does it even matter, though? A healthy amount of saliva helps to protect your oral health so that you don’t get everything from bad breath to tooth decay.
    For starters, if you can breathe more through your nose and less through your mouth, you can improve the state of the saliva health. What else matters? Use the ideas in this graphic to help you get on the path to better oral health.


Hiking in Idyllwild (How to Escape Los Angeles)

If you read our recent post about going through old drafts, you’d know that most of our ideas didn’t make the cut. A lot of those restaurants aren’t open right now. While many of the ideas are outdated and relevant, some are more welcome now. With restrictions in place across the country, isolated outdoor activity has become more popular than ever. People who never cared for hiking are discovering the beauty of the great outdoors. While we lived in Los Angeles, we were fortunate to discover one of its greatest escapes: Idyllwild.


Mike’s Mighty Good Craft Ramen (Food Review)

On a recent trip to the grocery, Fit noticed this product on the shelf and told me that she’d love to see me “tear it apart” on our YouTube channel. I don’t know why she was so skeptical of the product. Sure, we’d never heard of it or seen it before, but why not give it a fair chance? Unfortunately, due to my ravenous appetite, one day, I just ate them on the spot. By them, I mean one Beef Flavor Ramen Soup and one Chicken Flavor Ramen Soup. I was too lazy to setup my camera and I’m glad I didn’t because it became a bit more complex than anticipated. Mike’s Mighty Good Craft Ramen. Was it worth it? Yes and no.

This is chicken, thumbnail is beef


Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Yeah! (Protein Bar Review)

Oh no, here it is. Another protein bar review. Do they ever end? Truth be told, it seems like there is a never-ending supply of ready-to-eat protein snacks out there. It is hard staying on top of them all, but for us, it is important to know what exists because we’re asked for recommendations ALL THE TIME! We rarely find a product that is worthy of being coined innovative in any stretch of the imagination. When we do find innovative products, they’re not necessarily win-wins. For example, our review of Built Bar gave them credit for making a product that had a very strange texture. While we weren’t fans of it, we figured someone out there might be. Innovative? In a way. Enjoyable? Not for us. Enough of that old news though; what about Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Yeah bar?

Attractive packaging



Behind the Scenes – Our Projects

2020 has been a whirlwind of a year for all of us. Some were, unfortunately, hit much harder than others and we’ve all had to adapt to uncertainty. It has given many us a chance to spend less time with some, and more time with others. It has given all of us the chance to spend more time with ourselves. While that has been a curse for some, it has been a blessing for others. 2020 has provided some of us the chance to hit the reset button and finish old goals, start new projects, and lighten our load. 


Dental Bridge – Types and Benefits

Missing or losing a tooth is one of the most common dental concerns. Most of us have experienced this in our respective lifetimes despite practicing proper dental care and maintenance.

But, while it has become a usual thing for many of us, this kind of dental issue must be dealt with accordingly. Fortunately, science and technology have paved the way for experts to find the right solutions.

To date, dentists offer several options for patients to replace a missing tooth or teeth. One of these choices is a dental bridge.


We’re Back!

We started this blog in August of 2012. It has been a real roller coaster ride ever since the beginning. I can’t remember the last time we went over a month without publishing an article. Sometimes, we don’t find the time to create our own work, but we maintain a steady stream of posts through partners and guests. That wasn’t the case this past month, but we’re glad to be back. Where did we go?


Keep Your Skin at Peak Performance with These Athlete-Approved Skincare Tips

An effective workout routine challenges your body to keep pushing for the next milestone. Whatever goals you have for your gym sessions, it’s important to prioritize. In the same way you would never skip that crucial warmup set and risk injury to your muscles, you shouldn’t skip the essentials of skin care and risk dryness, acne, irritation, and other skin problems. Being an athlete exposes your skin to everything from sun and sweat to chlorine, wind, and heat. Put as much thought into caring for your skin as you do your body to avoid the visible signs of premature aging and other common skin concerns.   

You shouldn’t have to choose between a sculpted physique and healthy skin. Check out these simple tips for pre- and post-workout skincare to make sure your skin stays as strong as you are.
