Signs of a Strained Marriage

Every marriage is a work in progress, and different couples deal with different issues that are unique. And while all partners are faced with different problems, no one gets into marriage for divorce. However, as time goes by and people get used to each other, there are some things that couples can’t fully agree on. With time, it strains their union. However, sometimes you might not notice how bad your situation is, and by the time you do, it is too late. That said, the following are some of the signs of a strained marriage.

You Start Keeping Secrets

While it can be normal to want to keep some things to yourself, deliberately keeping secrets from your partner might not be healthy. For instance, you are out on a Friday evening with co-workers for drinks, or you made a purchase that you weren’t supposed to, hiding things like these from your partner will be doing more harm than good.

You Are Always Criticizing Each Other

Constructive criticism is good, but this does not mean criticizing each other for everything. Moreso, when the criticism is always negative and harmful rather than helping the other one, that is not a good sign. Your positive interactions should be more than negative interactions. This is a sign of a healthy relationship.

Your Connection Fading

With love and patience for your partner, you are able to connect on different levels. If there is no connection, then there is more resentment and disrespect for each other. Being apart makes you happier than when you are together, so you end up avoiding each other. So if you are not engaging in any healthy activities together but rather are avoiding each other, then it is a reason to worry.

You Don’t Communicate

Communication is key, and if you are unable to do so with your partner, it indicates an unhealthy relationship. Perhaps all you do is small talk or you are unable or unwilling to solve issues with your significant other. Meaningful conversations are a great way of bonding with your partner so if that is lacking, you might want to re-evaluate your situation and make an effort to sort things out together.

You Are Not Intimate

You are married, but if you are living like roommates with your partner, then there is trouble. When it comes to intimacy, it does not only refer to sex alone, other actions such as hugging, kissing, holding hands, and snuggling, etc are also signs of intimacy with your partner. So, if you notice that this part of your relationship is missing, then you should be worried.


Once you start noticing one or a few signs that your marriage is strained, you can always seek marriage help. Your union doesn’t have to end because of a lack of uncommon ground with your partner. You can find marriage experts who will help you iron out your differences with your spouse. And slowly with time, things are going to fall back in place.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
