Monthly Archives: October 2019

De-Stress for Winter: 7 Tips to Keep Skin Healthy This Holiday Season

If you already struggle with dry skin or acne, the holidays can be an absolute nightmare for your skin. As if the dry winter air wasn’t brutal enough on your skin, you’ve also got to deal with breakouts caused by the stress of the holiday season.

Fortunately, there are ways to get a handle on both your stress and your skin problems. With the following self-care practices, you can reduce your holiday anxiety and take control of your skin:


It Takes a Village: 10 Reasons to Be a Mentor

Think back to your youth. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have someone help you navigate all the obstacles and hardships you faced as a kid?

That’s one of the main ideas behind the concept of mentoring. Mentors help their mentees succeed in life by providing them with encouragement, support, guidance and friendship.

Mentors can be a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or anyone who wishes to help others succeed. All you need is compassion and a commitment to helping your mentee reach their goals.

Mentorship offers a host of benefits to both the mentor and the mentee. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider being a mentor.
