3 Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in America, affecting more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children. The term arthritis actually refers to any joint pain or joint disease, rather than referring to one specific disease. In fact, there are more than 100 different types of arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis include pain, stiffness and reduced range of motion and can be mild, moderate or severe. Inflammation is a key player behind the pain associated with arthritis and treatments generally aim to reduce inflammation and pain in order to improve quality of life. Below are three ways that may be used to alleviate joint pain due to arthritis.

  1. Medication. There are various types of medications that can be effective in treating arthritis and joint pain, most of which work by reducing inflammation which is the underlying problem behind arthritis. First, over-the-counter pain medications, such as Tylenol or Advil, are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which means they reduce inflammation in the joints. Tylenol can be especially effective in treating pain when used in conjunction with other prescription medications. Another option for pain relief can be found in topical creams, gels or ointments. These work similarly to oral Tylenol or Advil, but they are applied directly to the site of pain. This can be especially useful for patients who may experience side effects of oral pain relievers.
  2. Exercise. It may seem counterintuitive to exercise when you are suffering from arthritis and joint pain. However, exercise has many benefits that can help improve the symptoms of arthritis. For example, exercise can help strengthen the muscles that surround the joints and help maintain bone strength. While this doesn’t directly attenuate the underlying cause of the pain, it can help build support around the joints. Generally, moderate intensity, low impact exercise will be best to help with arthritis pain. Walking, bicycling and swimming are all great choices. In addition to helping build support around the arthritic joints, exercise can also help alleviate pain by helping to maintain a healthy weight.  Being overweight adds extra stress to inflamed joints, making those joints more stiff and painful. Therefore, in addition to strengthening surrounding muscles, exercise can help reduce stress placed on joints.
  3. Stem Cell Therapy. The use of stem cells is another option that could help reduce the burden of arthritis pain. Stem cells are naturally occurring cells in the body that are believed to have great potential for the treatment of many diseases because of their ability to divide and differentiate into many different types of cells. In the case of arthritis, stem cells could be injected and differentiate into new cartilage or bone cells in order to replace damaged cells in an arthritic joint. Stem cells may also help reduce arthritis pain by suppressing inflammation or decreasing the rate of cartilage degeneration in the joints.

There is currently no cure for arthritis. However, there are several options for treatments that will reduce inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints. Medications and lifestyle changes can help those dealing with arthritis live a more normal life. The use of stem cells to treat arthritis is a more recent and developing option, and more information regarding the use of stem cell therapy can be found from NSI Stem Cell.
