Storytelling Friday: Your First Ever Personal Training Client

Greetings from our new apartment! We promise we will get back to you on a regularly scheduled basis! But for now….we want to tell a story! In this video, Hungry tells the story of his very first personal training client way back in the day! It’s a fun story and he shares some lessons that he himself learned on that day. This is a short story so take some time to watch sometime today while you’re trying not to fall asleep at work! 

Sometimes (most times) even personal trainers need trainers!

Sometimes (most times) even personal trainers need trainers!

So what about you? If you’re a trainer, comment below and tell us the story of your first client. If you’ve been trained, tell us about your first personal trainer! What did you like? What did you not like? Comment below and share your stories! And as always, stay hungry and fit!


Noke enjoying a sunset

Noke enjoying a sunset
