Needless to say, this has been a very interesting few days. Yesterday was the first day back to work after the Boulder Flood (#boulderflood) and it felt surreal. At first, I wasn’t even sure I could get to work (I work in Longmont and live in Boulder) but after some steady driving in the rain, I made it. Sure the highway was a bit beaten up and there were floods beside the road, but I made it perfectly safe and sound. However, yesterday more than any day, I felt mentally exhausted. Weird that it had come after all the catastrophe. Chris woke me up last night because I was having some sort of bad dream and all I remember is rain. It was nice to take a nap when I got back from work. Anyhow, back on point. Walking.
Especially from that Thursday, if we wanted to go anywhere, it was safer to walk than to drive. We then did a lot of walking on Friday and even on Saturday too. Sunday, we were landlocked again (another storm). It got me thinking…I want to do more walking. Not because there’s a chance my car might get toted away by a flood, but because it should be more a part of everyone’s lifestyle! Even if you don’t have time for a workout, walk where you need to go. The whole concept of moving and staying active is what is going to keep you healthy for life.
So from now on, especially in the coming Fall, I plan to walk more places. To the grocery (we live 2-3 blocks away from one), instead of picking Chris up I will walk back with him, and walk to the gym. Those are just a few examples. You’d be surprised how just that extra bit of moving can make a big impact in your life and your health. So as life slowly falls back into place after the flood, I will find myself walking more and more and exploring new places. Who’s with me?! Take a walk to stay hungry and fit!
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one of the things that keeps zach and i in the city is the ease of being able to walk nearly anywhere we really need to go. grocery store, good restaurants, parks, museums, anything. i couldn’t agree more, walk when you can. slows things down a bit too, and i find that is always a good thing.
LOL Hungry once said I should have had a pedometer installed at birth ..a reminder for us all 🙂 stay safe ,dry and Hungry and Fit xoxo
I totally agree! Walking is the easiest way to workout. I walk everywhere and only take a vehicle when walking is not possible because of weather or time. 🙂
Walking is so underrated! It’s a wonderful way to get moving.
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