Do Something That Scares You Every Day

In this day and age, we sometimes cower away from the unexpected, unknown, and scary. This is partly due to social pressure, anxiety, and worrying about what others may think of you. This is also due to our fear of failure which can permeate many areas of our life. This pushes us away from trying new things, taking a leap of faith, or following our dreams. I’d say that those three things are huge in a successful, happy life. If you’re not ready to go jump off a building right now or start writing your screenplay, that’s okay. Start with something small. Do something that scares you every day.


Why? Because it helps to form a habit. It helps you loosen up your fears and boundaries with baby steps. Then, after doing this each and every day, following your dreams or doing a big transition doesn’t seem so bad because you’re used to it. Here are some ways you can do this:

*Try a new food

*Speak up in class

*Speak up in a meeting

*Schedule a meeting with someone who intimidates you 

*Try a new exercise class

*Be creative for ten minutes (knitting, writing, painting, coding)

*Express your feelings to someone

*Putting a piece of your work out into the public

*Saying hi to a stranger

*Talk to someone in a language you’re learning

*Cross a tall bridge


Those are a few examples, but obviously, I don’t know what you are scared of, so you’re going to have to tailor that list yourself. In fact, give yourself two minutes and write down as many things that scare you as you can. Then go do them. You can do one for 30 days in a row. You can try a new one each day. For me, it’s been going to this new Boxing/Martial Arts gym I recently joined. I know absolutely nothing and here there are professional fighters who probably think I’m a foolish little girl. It scares me each time I go in, but I step in anyways. And guess what? The fear and embarrassment melt away while I’m enjoying working my butt off and learning in the gym. Sure, I may feel it the next day and so forth until I get comfortable, but I’m not going to let that stop this new journey. Do something that scares you to stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: What small scary thing could you try today? 


