
A girl from Los Angeles and a boy from New York come together with high fitness goals and a huge appetite. We will be sharing various workouts, recipes, feasts, and ways we live on a low-end budget. It will be stories of adventures, thoughts, and helpful ways to stay fit and eat well! Did we mention that we’re also total nerds?



Born and raised in Santa Monica, California, went to Manhattan College in New York, moved to Boulder, Colorado and now relocated in Los Angeles. A Certified Personal Trainer, majored in Peace Studies and Philosophy, and a lover of food. She’s a “vegetarian,” but not by normal sorts. If it’s hunted or caught (hunted bison, deer, tuna, etc.), she’ll eat it–she’s against the whole food industrialization unnatural process. Hobbies include writing, cooking, reading, exercising (duh!), and video games. She doesn’t mind the outdoors either 😉 


A mutt from the NYC metro area, he captained his MC D1 swim team and worked multiple jobs en route to his BA. Passed up an Ivy League full ride in a PhD program for adventures with Fit. Stopped competing after major injuries to coach others in athletics, fitness, and aquatics. A certification junkie willing to test anything that could help and a black hole for food. Favorite things include family, working, video games, manga, martial arts, and only getting “cardio” through playing sports.


Born on the 17th of June, 2012, this little huntress stalks the house with her yellow eyes shining in the darkness. Her hobbies include kneading elbows, necks, and armpits. She’s the animal version of Fit, always staying hydrated and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Her favorite food is banana.

Ridiculously cute picture of Nymeria

Ridiculously cute picture of Nymeria



Born on the 18th of August, 2012, this former big-pawed chubby little lion cub hides unless it’s dinner time. His name means lion in the Korean language and he has the appetite of one too. He was born feral so he’s a little skittish but he loves playing with all of his toys.

Cuteness forever

Cuteness forever


Hungry and Fit! Our pose

Hungry and Fit! Our pose

148 comments on “About

  1. charliebenn

    I stumbled on your blog after you (or you I guess!) liked one of my posts on my own blog. Really neat idea! I’m excited to start reading you as time goes by, as I also live pretty frugally and have an intense love of food! Cheers!

  2. cordelectatio

    Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog. Agreed. Food is the best. Look forward to reading more of your posts. Enjoy the beautiful state of Colorado.

  3. josephinedayco

    Hey thanks for dropping by and sharing the love of pikelets! Still learning so many things about life on this side of the hemisphere. I’m loving your blog…keeps me inspired to stay on the healthy track with my husband!

  4. barbellsandbuttercream

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post! I love working out with my spouse too, and we’ve been married 20-plus years so it must be great for the relationship. Keep it up!

  5. hipfoodiemom

    Hi there! I can’t find your email address so am contacting you this way. (my sincere apologies!!!). You are currently subscribed to Hipfoodiemom.com (my food blog) through WordPress and I have recently moved to self hosting so you will not receive my posts anymore automatically. If you’d like to continue reading, please go to http://hipfoodiemom.com/ and subscribe via RSS or email. I hope to keep you as a reader! Thank you so much!

      1. hipfoodiemom

        Thank you! You are so sweet!

  6. Krystle Lane

    Hey there!

    OMG! A fitness couple! That is amazing. That is one of my dreams is to have a partner who is into fitness as well.
    Just reading your “ABOUT ME” page is already giving me butterflies in my stomach!
    Both of you are just so lovely! Not to mention “boy” is a manga fan. 😛 squeee.

    Anyway I’m looking forward to your posts. 😛


    1. hungryandfit

      Thank you so much!! Yeah, it’s pretty awesome to find someone with the same interests. He’s even getting me into some manga, like Toriko. Your blog is pretty sick, will definitely be keeping an eye on it 🙂

      1. Krystle Lane

        Hahaha! You should read/watch Hunter x Hunter and also Skip Beat. I’m pretty sure you’ll like Skip Beat. 😛

        Thanks! I have to admit when I started my blog it wasn’t exactly the healthy kind, but during the course of my weight loss journey I’ve learned and managed to switch over to a healthier lifestyle.


      2. hungryandfit

        Ooh I’ll definitely check those out, thanks 🙂

  7. danirain47

    Thanks for liking one of my posts. I like what you have going on here. Decided I’d follow. =)

  8. goodgreekstuff

    Nice blog! And “Hungry and Fit” is /such/ an inspired title! Looking forward to following your posts.

  9. projectlola

    I’d like to invite you to do a post on my blog-zine Project Lola – on The Little Things. Advice for busy women on how to eat well and get effective exercises into their daily routines.

      1. projectlola

        Check out the “How to submit” page on our blog. We accept submissions in 5 different categories. Pick the one you feel is most appropriate and then email us at projectlolastories@gmail.com We look forward to reviewing your post!

  10. kammotion

    You’ve got a great blog here. Your suggestions are sensible and doable. I dig that. Before I was a writer, I worked in cardiac rehab so we have some shared interests – healthy eating and exercise, along with a little stress reduction thrown in for good measure. Keep up the good blog! Cheers.

  11. trikatykid

    You guys are cute and I am glad I found you! So thank you for the “like”! I have lately been struggling with eating/body image.. transitioning (not so successfully) from a weight-loss program to sports nutrition. I am a triathlete .. so when I saw “hungry AND fit” I immediately signed up to follow! Can’t wait to read more!! Cheers, Katy

  12. healthylazyfood

    Hi! Thanks for liking my post. Your blog seems like an amzing blend of fitness AND eating, unlike others where the emphasis is only on the fitness. Stay awesome, guys!

  13. cathyn61

    Hungry & fit describes me! Great blog too. Looking forward to reading about your exploits & recipes.

  14. marylouharris

    Thanks for the follow. Hungry and fit, indeed. Enjoying luscious, tasty,fresh food is one of the payoffs for an active life.

  15. modeltips

    Hey guys, thanks for liking my post on modelsadvices.com, i will definetly follow you as i really appreciate healthy lifestyle and it looks like you have great tips!!!

  16. gelolopez

    Hi there! Thanks for liking and following my blog. Returning the love by dropping by to your blog and looking around. Cheers and love 🙂

  17. tiffanyharper

    Okay I had to check out your blog after you liked my post today. What an awesome couple you two are! Love meeting others with similar interests. Can’t wait to read more!

  18. Domestic Ingenuity

    Thanks for stopping by http://www.domesticingenuity.com! I love all the support of fellow food lovers! I hope you found some inspiration you could use yourself or share with others! I also am a fan of the “low-budget” concept. Music to my ears! I look forward to more visits!

  19. Judy Smith

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog — come back any time! I very much enjoyed reading about the two of you and your “babies.” 🙂

  20. Cindy

    I really enjoy your blog. I nominated you for the Sunshine award! You can find the details on my page 😀

  21. Miss Chris Creations

    Thanks for checking out my blog and my recent PB Chocolate and Banana Quesadillas! I hope you both find some time to make these for yourself as well.


  22. celestedimilla

    Hey there! You guys liked a post on my blog so I wanted to check out your blog and say, “Hi!” You guys look healthy, fit and beautiful! I like your philosophy for this blog. Think I’m going to have to follow:-).

  23. sophb2013

    Hi there, thanks for the ‘like’ over on my blog Game Content ! Will be following you, particularly for the food !!

  24. Pingback: The Liebster Award! | Tranquil Dreams

  25. sarafoca

    Thanks for liking my post 🙂 I found your blog a very interesting idea and I’ll be a new follower it 1st ’cause, as I’m italian, I’m a food addicted by definitions and 2nd ’cause I just love to train!

  26. Lori

    Hey, guys. You two are adorable. Thanks for liking my post. Great blog you have here!

  27. Pingback: Two Times TAGGED!! | Tranquil Dreams

  28. Laurie Merritt Photography

    Yayyyyyy Bergen County!! Ho-Ho-Kus was my home for the majority of my life. Nice to meet you, NJ compadre! Thanks as well for visiting my site and liking my post “Sheepish”. Now, on to looking at some seriously good recipes. Great site, you guys!

  29. Pingback: Tony’s Italian Kitchen: Our Favorite Pizza | hungry and fit

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