
The Health Benefits of Consuming More Soy

Like many topics in nutrition, soy is one that is not well understood, with some sources stating it is great for health, while others recommended you avoid it. In this article, we will take a balanced look at the evidence behind soy so you are in a good position to assess whether including more soy in your diet would be a smart decision.

Health Benefits of Soy

Soy beans, otherwise known as edamame, are part of the legume family, and can be eaten in their natural state or can be processed into other foods such as tofu, miso, tempeh and even soy milk. These foods possess a unique set of nutritional benefits as we will explore in detail below…


How to Be a Vegetarian

Often times, when people find out I’m a vegetarian, they look at me sadly like they just found out I have a terminal illness. Funny thing is that I choose to be a vegetarian. And many other people do too! Now, the transition into being a vegetarian isn’t always so heartfelt and easy. There are tons of books out there with the purpose of instructing one on how to be a vegetarian. This is going to be a much simpler guide. I’m not telling everyone to be a vegetarian, I’m just showing you how to in case you were ever curious–how to get enough nutrients in a plant-based diet. Sometimes people turn into starch-atarians when they go veggie, but fear not–there is plenty of protein when you come this way!
