
How to De-Stress Yourself

Mental health is just as important as physical health! Life needs balance, there’s many sides to health: physical, mental, emotional/spiritual. So let’s talk about how to de-stress yourself. Life can be overwhelming. It can suck, it can be hard, it can be unfair. But you’re still going to be at the center of feeling those painful emotions. Work can be stressing you to tears, your partner could put you on the brink, or maybe your family is just driving you insane. Then it’s easy to get sucked into those emotions, like a whirlwind. It’s hard to see any positivity and everything looks real bleak. I know most people has felt this at some point: overwhelmed by stress and/or negative thoughts.

But wait! You don’t have to drown in that pool of painful thoughts and feelings. There’s an exercise that my dad taught me that can really help.



Traveling is Exhausting

Especially if the point of travel is a sad reason. Recently, I had a death in the family in New Zealand (my mum is from New Zealand). So not only was I in very low spirits, but New Zealand is a long way to fly. It is especially long when you’re buying a ticket for the night of and you’re looking for the cheapest one. The cheapest one usually has the worst travel times and worst stops. This is true, but it was not something I was concerned with when trying to get to New Zealand as fast as possible. With a frantic packing, I got to LAX February 17th, and arrived in Fiji the 18th. Time zones start to switch hardcore now, so I’m pretty sure it was actually the 19th in Fiji, but still the 18th in the States. The airplane was cramped, but I slept some 5 hours. I then spent $40 to spend about 7 hours in the lovely Fiji VIP lounge until my flight to Auckland, New Zealand. At one point, I was the only traveler in the Fiji airport. 

at LAX

at LAX


Rest in Peace, Misty

Perhaps you’ve noticed that we haven’t posted for over a week now. We have some very sad news to reveal: Misty, our baby kitty (the white one), passed away Thursday, November 29th at night time. It was very sudden and expected and we believe it had to do with her brain and the fact that she was born feral. Could’ve been a cyst, aneurysm, stroke, and so forth. Even if we wanted to know, it wouldn’t change the fact that she’s not longer here. If anyone knows us, they know we see our animals as kin.

We are heartbroken because she was only just over six months old, but there was nothing we can do. We got her cremated and have her urn close to us, she will always be remembered. We are healing slowly and can now think about how grateful we were to have her at all. She will be very missed by all who knew her and her quirks. She came so far from being under-socialized and turned into a cuddle monster. Nymeria, her younger sister, misses her too, for they were never separated. If you want to learn more about Misty, click here. Here’s a few pictures of remembrance:


Help, I'm adorable!

Help, I’m adorable!

Cuddlers unite!

Classic sink nap Ying-yang

No meeeeee!

Being too cute

First day we got her

First day we got her

Misty has a very strong lower body. During food time, she will go on her hind legs and walk around on them in order to be closer to the food

Don't eat me!Sleeping beauty Cuddlez

Misty being cute Thank you to all who gave Misty love.

We have some more news, and it’s a little better this time. Since Nymeria, our little black kitten, is only five months old, we were very worried about her being alone for 8-10 hours per day since she has never been alone in her entire life. Although I wasn’t exactly ready, we went to the Humane Society last week to look for a companion for Nymeria. Misty could never be replaced. Nymeria grieved her loss (though she doesn’t understand death) and I know she still misses her even though Misty could be a prissy older sister sometimes.

We found and brought home Sajah. He is a 3-month old male, orange tabby. His name is Korean and it means “lion.” He very much acts like a lion cub, too. Extremely playful with big paws and a chubby stocky body. Nymeria isn’t too hot about him yet, but she has someone to play with and she feels better not being alone.



Rest in peace, little snow leopard. 
