
Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Yeah! (Protein Bar Review)

Oh no, here it is. Another protein bar review. Do they ever end? Truth be told, it seems like there is a never-ending supply of ready-to-eat protein snacks out there. It is hard staying on top of them all, but for us, it is important to know what exists because we’re asked for recommendations ALL THE TIME! We rarely find a product that is worthy of being coined innovative in any stretch of the imagination. When we do find innovative products, they’re not necessarily win-wins. For example, our review of Built Bar gave them credit for making a product that had a very strange texture. While we weren’t fans of it, we figured someone out there might be. Innovative? In a way. Enjoyable? Not for us. Enough of that old news though; what about Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Yeah bar?

Attractive packaging



A Guide for Healthier Eating

Healthy eating should always be a priority, and any diet could probably stand to be a little more improved. With new recipes, diets, and healthy eating tips emerging all the time, it’s important to keep on top of the topic and always educate yourself on the best methods and tricks for healthier eating. 


Pilate Programs Have Become More Popular In Recent Times

Workouts and living healthy have become the new trend. People are becoming more conscious about what they eat and drink. Doing exercises have lots of benefits and many people are interestingly growing interests in this cardio strength training exercise. The programs which can be done by both men and women including pregnant women (with doctors’ approval) have lots of benefits, particularly with posture. 

Many people especially women are becoming more interested in the Pilates training program and women now even ditch their sneakers and for grippy socks as Pilates has shown proof to be quite beneficial. Pilates will be celebrating its 94th birthday this year and its popularity grows by the day. Across the globe, Pilates Studio Melbourne is witnessing the impacts of this improved interest and life-changing training program.


The Top 5 Reasons People are Adding Kratom to their Daily Diet

Kratom has been used for medicinal reasons by many communities since time immemorial. Recently, it has skyrocketed to popularity as people continue to acknowledge and recognize its benefits. Also, criticism from different has been fanning the news of Kratom use. Well, here are the facts that you should know to make you consider using kratom as part of your daily diet.

1. Critical for immune system boost

Studies have reported that frequent use of kratom can help strengthen immunity. Including the kratom preparation in your diet will help you avoid common colds and even help in preventing cancer. The emotional state has a significant influence on the immune state. Generally, having kratom in the menu can help boost your mood and hence your immune state.  Ultimately, users of kratom will have good health since it enhances the general wellbeing.

2. Pain relief reasons                                       

In the early days around South East Asia, natives recognized the use of kratom as a pain remedy. The analgesic properties of the substance are varied depending on the strain in question. Considering the adverse effects associated with the conventional synthetic painkillers, one would wish for a natural pain remedy. High-quality refined kratom available at should be a viable solution. An inclusion of kratom in the diet has helped in alleviating common chronic pains that are not responsive to medications.

3. To spice up the sex life

Traditional practitioners in Malaysia used kratom as an aphrodisiac and a fertility boosting agent. Even though they didn’t understand the mechanism of action of the product nor capable of identifying the active ingredients, it was a success in many cases. Kratom in the diet will increase energy levels, enhance blood flow and increase synthesis of sex hormones. Users of kratom exhibit high libido and sexual argue as well as increased conception rate. Having kratom in your diet will transform your bedroom life.  Further, it is reported to be re-energize hence you can last long if your partner value that.

4. Getting off the hooks of substance addiction

Opiate addiction is a menace consuming the youths worldwide.  Along with other substances, addiction has caused many mortalities yearly. The may be the desire to quit, but the body is often weak; hence you need a supporting element in the name of kratom. Kratom is widely used in rehabilitation of opiate addicts.  The use of kratom will help with the side effects of opiate withdrawal hence making the transition seamless. Kratom is healthy and regular use will provide similar sensation as opiate with fewer adverse effects; thus it is an ideal substitute.

5. Weight loss

According to WHO 2016 reports, approximately 39% of the global adult population is overweight. The situation has been primarily attributed to the sedentary lifestyle that many people enjoy. Being overweight or obese is one thing that no one may desire. It is a predisposition to diseases, and generally, your life is going to get affected.  As such, it is common to see people struggle with weight management. Crooks have noticed this, and you will find fake promises of weight loss all over. The inclusion of kratom in the meals has helped individuals reduce weight and get healthy. Still, it is essential that you tame the eating habits



The Top 3 Health Risks of the Legalization of Weed

Many states in the US have legalized the use and sale of recreational marijuana to people aged 21 and above years. Since then, states have issued several provisional and final licenses to retail stores for recreational use of marijuana. Individuals smoke marijuana using joints, or hand-rolled cigarettes or bongs, pipes with water. Some people also use vaporizers to avoid inhaling the smoke. Doctors continue to remind people of the potential health risk of smoking cannabis. Some people can consume the drug safely, while others will experience health effects. Unfortunately, you cannot predict how your body reacts to marijuana. Read on to discover the top 3 health risks of the legalization of weed.


Nature Provides the Ultimate Happiness Hack

Please enjoy a guest post from Mallory from Nootropedia!

Western medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past few decades. At the start of the 20th century, the life expectancy was less than half of what it is today. Much of this is due to great strides in western medicine. There is a downside to western medicine as well. When so many aspects of our health have been enhanced, it’s easy to think every “problem” needs a medicinal solution. Given the strength of synthetic drugs and the pharmaceutical industry, this can lead to some sticky situations.

This namely leads to a high rate of prescription drug usage across the western world and in America particularly. Even though millions of people are taking drugs to decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety, this may not be the best route or methodology. Nature provides a wide variety of compounds that can more reliably and more sustainably increase mood. Not only does this yield to a greater satisfaction and quality of life, but with increased mood comes better cognitive function and mental performance.

We are all about nature!

We are all about nature!


The Muir Woods

When you take a road trip up the Pacific 1 and stop in every major coastal city, you’ve seen a lot. When someone asks you what part was your favorite and you have a quick response, that says a lot. The Muir Woods was that place for me.

