
How Your Diet Influences Your Good and Bad Habits

Eating right is one of those good habits that some people seem to stick to naturally while others struggle. But the truth of the matter is that good habits gain momentum. And the more good habits you have, the more good habits you’re likely to adopt. 

And if you’re looking to turn over a new leaf, diet is a great place to start. Good nutrition can actually have an impact on your ability or likelihood of adopting more good habits. 

In this post, we’re going to explore how your diet influences good and bad habits. 


6 Foods to Avoid if You Want Clear Skin

Just when you thought that you’d left acne behind in your teenage years, it comes knocking once again in adulthood. It’s a frustrating problem for a lot of guys, made worse by the fact that male adult acne tends to be particularly stubborn and difficult to treat.

While research has shown that women struggle with adult acne just as much—if not more—than men do, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that men generally have more severe acne symptoms compared to their female counterparts. To pile on more bad news, a powerful acne treatment alone may not be enough to combat your stubborn breakouts.

If nothing you do seems to clear up your acne, it may be time to take a closer look at your diet. Though the research is far from certain, there is some evidence that suggests that these six foods could be secretly sabotaging your skin.


Healthy Habits You Certainly Forget – Our Recommendations

We all know bad health habits when we experience them. Smoking, for instance, you know it’s a no-no. Habits such as drinking until you lose your consciousness, eating junk food, sleeping less than 6 hours a day and sitting all day without even a minute of exercise are bad for your health. We also know good healthy habits when we see or experience them; drinking at least eight glasses of water every day, walking 10,000 steps every day, eating more fruits and vegetables than other foods and resting.

The question is, how often do you remember these healthy habits? Are you sometimes too tired to drink enough water every day? Below are healthy habits you certainly know but often you forget. 


A Great Way to Lose Weight

This is for everybody, but mostly aimed at parents, kids, those trying to lose weight, or maintain weight. My message is simple: Food should not be a reward. I’m not really one to talk, but now I try to follow this too. Of course, we look forward to special dinners, nights out with friends, and barbecues with families, but what I speak of is different. Think about this situation: reminding your child before you drop them off at kindergarten that if they are good all day and don’t cry, they get to go to McDonald’s after!

Who thought eating at Wendy's could be so seductive?

Who thought eating at Wendy’s could be so seductive?

Now, what’s wrong with that situation? Well, many things, you might say. But think about the habits that it forms. Child thinks…do not cry, get to go to McDonald’s. Being good = deserving yummy food. They then depend on it. This doesn’t just revolve around children because children tend to grow up into adults. And then we develop emotional eating. 

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I’m sure we’ve all experienced emotional eating at one point or the other whether it be happy (like the McDonald’s child) or sad. Every time, we feel we deserve a reward, we often think of food…cupcakes, an ice cream, you name it. It just sets us up for failure if we’re trying to stay on a healthy lifestyle or lose weight. We aren’t dogs (although, I tend to resemble one when it comes to churros) and we shouldn’t treat ourselves like dogs. When you’re sad, or when you were a child and became sad, doesn’t the thought of ice cream cheer you up? Stop your tears right in their tracks? Now it’s time to reverse that habit.

This takes a lot of time, effort, and willpower to reverse this bad habit that is so constant in our society. Whenever you feel like you deserve something, that you did something well, instead of celebrating by binge-eating that batch of brownies your partner made, go out dancing, to a museum, to a convention, on a trip! Find other ways of rewarding yourself. Put this into your mind! Think about it and let it seep into your life. Food is not a reward. It is an energy source. There are so many other things we can reward ourselves with.

Girl Scout cookie madness

Girl Scout cookie madness

This is so important for those trying to lose weight. Again, sometimes I do this myself (I could argue I’m not trying to lose weight, but it’s good to set examples), but I’m urging you to simply get out of the habit of rewarding yourself with food to avoid emotional eating or setting triggers for yourself. Let’s set ourselves up for success, not failure.



Feel free to comment or contact us in regards to any questions with how to break this. I hope you enjoyed these ridiculous pictures of Chris. Cheers! Use this post to stay hungry and fit!

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