

Execute, Don’t Just Dream!

This was an article that I started drafting back on August 25, 2015, at 11:30 am after reading the article that I mention below. Unfortunately, I never completed it. Fortunately, as I was looking at the draft I realized that this might be the best time to publish it. Since this is the beginning of the year and we’re all so busy focusing on what we did and didn’t do in 2015 and what we will do in 2016, I want to encourage you to pursue your dream… or any other ridiculous ideas that might actually work. 



Show the “New You” Haters Who’s Boss

It’s the New Year! It’s the time where people set resolutions, realign their goals, and set out on this adventure of a life. Goals may be lofty, they may be lowly, but they are still made nonetheless. With the new year, comes a lot of “New You”s, but also alongside that, “New You” haters or shamers. There are those who publicly refuse to change themselves upon the New Year, which is fine, but they shouldn’t shame others when they chose to set new goals. Each and every person should be able to start the new year without any negativity and choose to set what path they desire.



My Mantra for This Year

Another year sits at our feet and dreams whirl about our heads. Everyone is asking themselves, what am I going to achieve this year? Whether it be health goals to relationship goals to career goals, people are setting their sights. That includes us here at Hungry and Fit as well. We usually throw up some fun fitness goals and see where our motivation and drive will take us. I, however, am taking a slightly diverted path than the normal one. Although I certainly do have fitness goals this year (we do have a wedding coming up), I wanted to find a mantra that I could follow to keep me inspired. This mantra has a slightly broader message than just focused on one goal. My theme, mantra, whatever you want to call it for this year is #chasingdreams. This hashtag is inspired by @kelogsloops on Instagram who is an artist chasing their dreams and uses the hashtag #brbchasingdreams. 

