
Top Products of 2016

2016 was yet another year full of change and innovation. While there weren’t any revolutionary releases like the iPhone, we did see some crazy new ideas become popular. After buying hundreds of new products and reviewing many of those, we came up with a list of our three favorite products each of the year 2016, and put those together. See the list below:

1. Fresh Sugar (Rose)Lip Care –  Fit struggles with finding a product that actually keeps her lips moisturized and feeling healthy. She’s tried almost everything under the sun and while some products may feel good for a few minutes, she ends up feeling dry-lipped and chapped. Fresh Sugar (recommended by her wedding make-up artist) keeps her lips feeling moisturized and healthy for a few hours! It also gives her lip just a shade of color (though there are some without any color). It may be a little on the expensive side, but it actually works. It also has sunscreen in it! I’m not one to normally buy top-of-the-line beauty products, but this one helps me feel healthy throughout the day. 

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Why This is Personal

This hurts. This is gutting, like the wind has been knocked out of us. When you have to wake up in the morning in a fog, trying to remember what horrible thing had happened and then you feel the weight slowly pressing on your chest. This feels personal. But, why does this feel so personal? Why are we experiencing mourning? Why did I ugly cry? I’ve lost elections before (Bush, anyone?), but not like this. This is not just my liberal butt being whooped, it’s what this represents. Life is not just literal, it is also symbolic. When someone demeans and insults you and then is elected, it’s personal. To the people who are scorning the liberals being upset, I think you’re missing the point. I don’t necessarily agree with protesting that Trump got elected because it’s unproductive, but I would be the first on the streets to protest if he starts doing what he said he would. People are personally upset and here’s why:


After drinking too much and crying my way through Tuesday night, I opened my computer (with which I was watching the election) to find a tissue plastered to the screen in some sad comedy.


Execute, Don’t Just Dream!

This was an article that I started drafting back on August 25, 2015, at 11:30 am after reading the article that I mention below. Unfortunately, I never completed it. Fortunately, as I was looking at the draft I realized that this might be the best time to publish it. Since this is the beginning of the year and we’re all so busy focusing on what we did and didn’t do in 2015 and what we will do in 2016, I want to encourage you to pursue your dream… or any other ridiculous ideas that might actually work. 

