4 Tips to Rowing for Health and Fitness

If you’re looking to get into great shape, rowing offers a full body workout that gets you closer to achieving your goals. Rowing is an effective cardio exercise that not only promotes weight loss but also tones your muscles and increases your endurance. You can burn as many as 600 calories per hour by working out on a rowing machine. Combine this fun exercise with a healthy diet and you’ll soon be delighted by the results.

Getting a sturdy rowing machine isn’t as complicated as you’d imagine: simply check Body Trained and scroll through a variety of rowing machine reviews to find one that suits you.

 Here are 4 tips to rowing for health and fitness:

  • Avoid gripping too hard

Your rowing technique should be as efficient as possible to prevent nasty injuries. When you hold onto the handle too tightly, your hands will tire quickly. Your forearms will also ache after you’ve ended the session. A tightened grip also causes your palms to tear up and develop sore blisters. When rowing, use your legs to drive up and down. Your quads and gluteal muscles should experience a tough workout. Don’t overwork your arms since they’re more susceptible to injury.

  • Pull the handles all the way up

Although some people merely pull the rowing handles halfway up, that’s not recommended. The handles should be pulled up to your ribs. Rowing is all about technique – the more intense your workout, the more calories you’ll burn. You can perform High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) by increasing your rower adjustable resistance to get your heart pumping. However, if you have issues with your knees and joints (or you’re overweight), low impact cardio can offer great benefits while minimizing the risk of injury. Rowing should be a fun workout, not a laborious engagement.

  • Practice proper breathing technique

Ensure you take long, deep breaths as you row back and forth. Always breathe inwards during your forward recovery. If you find yourself running short of breath, stop rushing and take some time to inhale deeply. With consistent practice, you’ll gradually learn how to breathe properly through your strokes. Make it fun by closing your eyes and using your imagination: feel the ocean breeze whooshing through your hair as you lift your boat into the water with tremendous zeal. This will make you feel more comfortable when rowing.

  • Sit upright and maintain good posture

Rowing is a tad similar to meditating or performing a deadlift – sustaining a good posture is key. Your chest should get lifted as you glide back. However, don’t allow your shoulders or lower back to collapse. Keep both of your elbows relaxed: don’t lift them or tuck them in. if you overwork your arms, they will definitely hurt afterwards. It’s also important to engage your core as you row. This will strengthen your core muscles and further improve your rowing technique. Increase your efficiency by rowing in a straight course.

The few tips described above will help you become a better rower. Ultimately, the proof will be in the pudding. Practice consistently or invite a fitness buddy to join you if you require some extra motivation.


One comment on “4 Tips to Rowing for Health and Fitness

  1. RunBikeThrow

    For a great book about rowing, I recommend The Boys in the Boat by Daniel Brown, about the 1936 U.S. Olympic rowing team. Although I don’t think I’ll take up rowing as a hobby, I got a real appreciation for the sport, and for when I’m on the rower at the gym.