Building Hamstrings

We don’t often repost content from other sources, but sometimes, we come across an article that is presented in a manner that we find very easy to digest. While we’d never heard of Stack as a media source before, every week, I receive newsletters from the American Swimming Coaches Association, with important articles relevant to swimming. Sometimes, I don’t even read through them, but this headline caught my eye: 4 Simple Ways to Build Stronger, More Resilient Hamstrings.
It appears as though the writer is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) who works with hockey players of all levels, including professionals. Hockey players are, if not anything else, resilient. Not only do they need to endure movement on a very unpredictable surface, but they do so with a significant amount of added weight in the gear that they wear. This can make it extremely easy to get injured, and many injuries result from issues starting at the hamstrings.  

We don’t want to distract you from the article itself, which is very short and sweet. It provides some videos for demonstration, which adds a lot of value to the content. Most importantly, it emphasizes a major need for nearly everyone… focusing more on their hamstrings! Many people are very quad, or anterior (front) dominant in their lower body and this imbalance leads to injuries. Creating a more balanced body will reduce injury and increase performance, which are both important parts of being hungry and fit!
