Why Casein Protein Deserves More Love

Casein is one of the main types of protein supplements available on the market, however, one could argue that it’s actually underrated.

Many of us are so infatuated with the quick gains and short-term muscle building potential of whey protein that sometimes we just don’t give casein the love it deserves, and the fact that casein is also a bit more costly doesn’t help, but it’s certainly worth those few extra dollars.

 Furthermore, you can plenty of casein by simply consuming more dairy – you don’t need to buy supplements. The proteins in milk, for example, are actually 80% casein (and 20% whey) so you could essentially get the same amount in a scoop of its protein powder as you would in 3 to 4 cups of milk.

But what’s so great about casein, though? Well, this article touches on just a few of its benefits for your health and wellness.

Enhances Muscle Growth and Retention

Muscle growth is one of the primary reasons that people use casein and the fact that it is essentially a time-release protein plays an important role in this. While whey protein is more known for its ability to repair and build muscles after a workout, casein’s strength lies in its ability to build muscle in the long term and prevent breakdown so your gains don’t disappear with the wind.

Your body never stops eating, even if you do. Instead, it starts to break down muscle if you don’t eat for a prolonged period, however, research has shown that casein can prevent or limit this (1) (2).

Promotes Weight Loss

Protein is an important nutrient for weight loss. It helps to promote satiety, so you do not feel as hungry and it also helps to curb sugar cravings. Getting enough casein protein can help to prevent over-eating, allowing you to lose weight at a safe and steady pace.

Another advantage is that it helps to limit muscle loss that usually occurs in individuals while losing weight.

Viable Meal Replacement

If you find it difficult to sit down for three meals every day, casein can be a convenient and viable option to replace full meals.

Still, this practice shouldn’t be made into a habit because you still need other macro and micronutrients to keep your body functioning optimally. This protein keeps you fuller and can help your body to have the energy it needs until you can sit down and enjoy a full meal.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

This type of protein might help to alleviate your blood pressure. It may also aid with triglyceride levels. One small study looked at 10 individuals who were overweight. Following a meal, the study found that their triglyceride levels decreased by 22 percent (3).

Reducing triglycerides and blood pressure play an important role in decreasing cardiovascular disease risk.

Reduced Free Radicals

Casein protein contains certain peptides that have been shown to possess antioxidant properties, according to research (4).

Quick lesson: Free radicals are unstable atoms/molecules with an odd number of electrons that are on a quest to become stable by finding another electron. “Finding” in this case usually means stealing it from another atom, such as those that comprise our entire body.

When the free radical steals an electron from some poor cell in our body, it becomes stable and stops searching, however, the cell that just lost an electron is now a free radical thereby starting a chain reaction of destruction within the body.

Antioxidants help to limit the frequency of free radicals in the body by contributing an electron without becoming free radicals themselves; therefore, a constant supply of antioxidants is needed to reduce free radical damage (free radicals are inevitable. You can learn more about them here).

Studies mentioned:

1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22330017

2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11158939

3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26491119

4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4992109/

