Monthly Archives: December 2017

Effective Female Body Fat Recomposition

Please enjoy a friendly post from Gary at

Body fat recomposition: a topic that garners very mixed reviews from people. While some think it’s a myth and cannot be done, there are others who claimed to have found the secret formula and seen some very promising results too. Both men and women have tried their hand at this process but, mind you, it’s not a very easy one. The whole process involves first understanding how the body’s fat storage works and then breaking it down using exercise and most importantly, diet.



Favorite Holiday Movie Countdown!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, which means that it is the perfect time for a (very) short and sweet countdown! Christmas is the 25th, as usual, but this year it falls on the Monday. Since we love to release our countdowns on Sundays, that means we have three more Sundays to bring you a list of holiday movies that you need to see. We’re going to be using some of our favorite contributors for this list, so you can expect the normal, not-so-normal, variety. We’re sure that you’ll see old and new, animated and live action, Christmas and Hannukah, and maybe even some movies that are debatable when it comes to their attachment to the holiday season.



5 Resources That Every Senior Needs For Their Health And Mobility

As we grow older, we start facing numerous issues regarding mental health, physical health, mobility and daily living. Seniors in general struggle to go about their daily activities; most of them hate the fact that they aren’t self-reliant anymore. Hence, it is important for young ones to understand the needs of senior citizens and treat them respectfully. It is natural for health and mobility to decline with increasing age. However, if you are a senior and are looking to improve your health and mobility, it is possible for you to do so. Here are 5 resources that every senior needs for his/her health and mobility. For more information on health and mobility, do consider visiting the site,


Physical Exercise and Aging

Staying fit is a lifelong journey, but as we age, it can be more difficult to reach the same exercise goals than it once was. Aging causes more than just wrinkles—it can also cause losses in balance, muscle mass and overall strength, agility, and bone density, while also triggering weight gain. Because of this, people who have stayed fit their whole lives may struggle with these changes, while people who have been inactive often find themselves unable to enjoy the activities they once did, or experience major health problems. The good news? Engaging in regular exercise can improve health and even help seniors live longer. Just 3 hours of exercise per week can increase overall lifespan by about 5 years!

In 2010, there were 40.3 million Americans age 65 or older, and this number is growing every year, making education about the importance of physical fitness in maintaining quality of life very important. Of those seniors, just 28-34% of adults aged 65-74 were physically active, and 35-44% of adults over the age of 75 were active. Since 4 out of 5 Americans over the age of 50 have one or more chronic conditions, an active lifestyle can be a key factor in managing health.

So what are the benefits of staying active as you age? Better mobility, strength, and balance, weight maintenance, and better health overall. Exercise can help people manage chronic conditions and lower blood pressure, and can even help to build up brain volume!

Check out this awesome infographic from USC’s Gerontology Department to understand aging and exercise in a visual way:

The University of Southern California Online
