Monthly Archives: June 2017

Should I Set Monthly Goals?

Should you set monthly goals? That is entirely up to you! But we have set monthly goals, for the past few years, and whether it’s helped us accomplish more or not, we’re always looking forward to setting goals for the next month. We aim to do so on the first of the month, but sometimes time can get away from us. We never like to on the last of the month before because there’s always time to complete a goal and you can never give up on yourself.

For the longest time, we set goals just for ourselves. I think we started with four a month. Eventually we added goals for Hungry & Fit, and then even for our home. Home goals can be repairs, renovations or even servicing your car. We decided to finally try to bring some balance to our overachieving selves by adding a “FUN” column to the list and ending up where we are today by making five goals for each of the five categories. Twenty-five goals a month. It makes a small impact on the dynamic around here, but it holds us accountable more than anything else.



3 Ways That Shapewear Can Enhance Your Style

Most magazines feature models and celebrities that appear to be in “perfect” shape. There is not an extra ounce of fat to be seen on their bodies and they are all dressed beautifully, hair all in place, and makeup applied with precision. Often times, these models and celebrities are also airbrushed or “photoshopped” by magazine editors to enhance their appearance and create an unrealistic appeal that is impossible to match. Because of these periodicals or tabloids, society begins to accept these looks as ideal and what is real when in fact, it is anything but. Women these days suffer from body image issues because of weight gain and constantly comparing themselves to those they see in the limelight. This is yet again unfair and unrealistic, but it is a scary truth that is more common than you realize. While it may seem like an uphill battle to look thinner and feel better about yourself, there are ways to do so. This article will provide examples of 3 ways that shapewear can enhance your life and your personal style.


When to Prioritize Cardio & Strength Training to Fit Your Goals

It’s hard to know when to work out or even what to workout. Our goal is for you to be hungry and fit, and whatever we can do to take out less work and thinking for you, the better! Should you focus on cardio or strength training? How often for each? We want you to be able to dive into a plan of action without having to do too much studying up on something. This is why we are happy to share an awesome infographic with our friends from Health Perch to make it simple as possible to recognize your goals and go forth and achieve them. You can click on the actual article to find more sample workout weeks. Enjoy!

I Want to Be Fit
“When to Prioritize Resistance and Aerobic Training to Fit Your Goals” on Health Perch
