My Obsession with Efficiency

I’m not sure if this has to do with my generation (probably does), the environment I live in, or just who I am, but I have the unfortunate obsession with being efficient. This makes me sound like I’m humbly bragging. It’s not necessarily a good thing–it’s really more of a curse. It doesn’t mean I’m more productive in any sense, not really. I think it has a huge correlation to being constantly connected whether that’s by phone, social media, or computer. We need to frequently refresh our social media to see if anything new has happened. We are glued to the news and anything “breaking” we can break away from. This has a big impact on needing to always be doing something.

Sometimes, you just need to slow down and sip the juice

Sometimes, you just need to slow down and sip the juice

When I say efficiency, I mean always needing to be doing something and taking advantage of my time. I feel like if I’m not constantly doing something or “multitasking,” I’m wasting precious time. Crazy, isn’t it? For example, if I’m eating alone, I need to be doing something else like reading, catching up on the news, or going on social media. If I’m doing the dishes or something similar where I can’t use my hands, I need to be listening to an audio book. Even if I’m going on the toilet to pee for goodness’s sake, I need to be doing something on my phone. It feels like wasted time where I could’ve improved something or devoted my time somewhere if I am not constantly doing something. 

I certainly recognize it’s a problem. Sometimes, it’s good to just do one thing at a time, savor the moment, and focus on it. Multitasking can actually be counter-productive. It may feel like you’re being more productive because you’re “busy,” but one of those two or more actions you’re taking could be under-performed. We don’t need to be doing a million things at once. We shouldn’t need that to feel satisfied, productive, or efficient. It’s important to slow down, enjoy this life, and decide on one thing you need to do. This can help prioritize your life and your daily doings. I, for one, want to practice detaching from this compulsive need and slow down. As always, stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: Do you ever feel this need or find yourself doing multiple actions at once or else you’re wasting time?




2 comments on “My Obsession with Efficiency

  1. Randy Powell

    From the old days, we were encouraged by our counter culture to Be Here Now. In my experience it’s hard to be here now if you’re doing 3 things at once. Relish each moment of life.

    1. hungryandfit

      So so true