Try Being Grateful

This title could be perceived as offhanded. However, imagine the tone as one of gentle nudging rather than being snootily rude. I’m not trying to throw in your face that you’re a brat, but just that each of us could–instead of complaining or being bitter–try instead to be grateful. I must confess, this was brought on by watching the very last episode of our beloved Downton Abbey (which I thought was a lovely ending). Reflecting on the life of the servants and such, I realized that, though fictional they are, there are plenty of people like them who are grateful despite a hardworking, have-little life. I found it to be a good lesson.

Instead of sourness and a generally negative attitude, let us try supplementing gratefulness first. The power of gratitude is enormous, be you a Lord or servant (or in these days, someone powerful or someone on the bottom of the ladder). Gratitude can pull someone from depression, from anger, from feeling lost. If being grateful to you is an impassive thing that you’ve never really thought about, try doing so now.

What are you grateful for?


That’s the first step. A flood of things could come to mind or maybe it’s a trickle that will steadily turn into a pour. It’s not always easy. However, I find that gratitude pushes away the bitterness and beckons on the smiles, laughter, and warmth that we all hope to feel in our life. I promise you it’s worth the effort. Maybe you don’t have a lot of money. Maybe you have so much money that it causes unknown burdens. The list could go on and on why we could feel bad for ourselves and some may very well be warranted. But what if we chose gratitude instead? What if we looked around the room and saw people we love, or a good deed, or a warm room and clothes on our back? The list may go on and on why we should feel upset or angry, but the list can also go on and on for why we should be grateful. 

I’m grateful for a loving family, cushion-y slippers, incredible movie and television soundtracks, and the good people I encounter every day.

It’s so easy in the technological advances of today to live way far up in the clouds and forget the everyday things that make our lives liveable. So next time you move to complain, get upset/angry, or wallow in self-pity, I dare you to try being grateful first and see what happens after. Being grateful is key to staying hungry and fit!


